Chapter 37: Dance of Eternal Love

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I sat on the small chair in my room with my chin propped up against my palm as Linda and Rachel scurried across the room gathering the last items to complete my outfit for the evening. Pulling my fluffy robe tighter I threw my back against the chair as the lights of the arriving vehicles flashed inside.

The clock struck 9:35 pm as Linda broke out into a panic. Her head franticly turned left and right as she searched for my missing left shoe.

"Oh my god! Where is that bloody hell shoe?!" Linda screeched as she looked under the bed once more.

The honking of the cars and the wailing voice of the royal announcer added to my growing headache. My brow twitched in irritation at the disturbance. Releasing a frustrated breath, I tried to drown out the panicking duo and the chatty guests arriving tonight.

My foot bounced in one place as I chewed on the tip of my finger. Reality slowly settled inside me as I knew the day I dreaded was finally here. The beginning of a new chapter in my life.

I was scared and nervous at the thought of who I will become.

At the early age of seventeen, I will be the wife of a king and a Queen of a kingdom. It was a frightening thought. Yet, I knew in my heart I could no longer fight my fate. Like a heroine on the verge of discovering her strength, I must continue on this path to find my strength.

The room grew quiet as Linda and Rachel settled down. My dress for the evening was neatly laid out on my bed. Their styling tools and makeup covered my entire vanity.

Doing a once over of the layout she had prepared Linda said, "We have a little over two hours to get you ready in time before Prince Arthur is here to escort you to the ballroom. Once you have arrived you will enter with Prince Marcus where the guests are awaiting the arrival of the new royal couple."

She paused for a second before she continued. "Although I'm happy for you Becca, I feel as your friend and a concerned maid assigned to you, that I should remind you not to let your guard down tonight. There will be a large crowd surrounding you and some may appear to be friendly while others may seek to harm you in any way possible. Be it physically or emotionally. The rumors from the past have not dissolved. Not to mention the accomplices involved in your sister's death could be lurking in the shadows. So, please I beg of you, be careful and have your guards stationed close by. And if you feel like you need to rest, Rachel and I will be helping the servers. Feel free to call on us if you must. We will come to your aid."

Her concerned yet sincere smile brought comfort to the nervous wreck that I was.

"I'm aware of the dangers. No harm will come to me. The guards in the palace have increased and will not let any suspicious characters come near me." I assured her. Her shoulders sagged in relief.

She clapped her hands together before turning to Rachel. "Well, then Rach let's get our lady dressed for the ball. Her prince charming is waiting for his princess." She winked at me.

I blushed as I rolled my eyes at her playfulness.

Rachel grinned as she held her styling tools in her hand. "I'm up for the challenge, Lin."

Shaking my head in amusement I said, "Well ladies, shall we begin."


I stood before my mirror speechless. My freshly painted lips were a jar at the woman staring at me. Her bright blue eyes sparkled like the stars in the night sky. Her strawberry blonde hair cascaded down her back in perfect waves. The midnight blue off-the-shoulder gown complimented her complexion as it flared down from her waist into a silky flow of fabric onto the wooden floors. A simple knee-high slit at the side revealed the miles of legs hidden beneath. The tiara worn by the crown princess sat in the center of her head. The golden crown made with the finest rubies provided the air of royalty and power around her. Her makeup was professionally done with dark red lipstick and soft brown eyeshadow around the eyes. Her matching diamond shoes completed the outfit.

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