Chapter 2

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The buzzing of the wind as they zoomed through the city was soon replaced by the sound of laughing, shouting and stomping boots until the bike finally came to a stop.

"We're here," Baji said, tapping Aiko's hand.

"Great," she mumbled from the space in his back where her head had been pressed for the last twenty minutes.

"Are you going to let go?"

Slowly she loosened her grip and raised her head. Her vision was swimming, as was her stomach, making the sight of what may have been sixty Toman members look more like one hundred and sixty. "Ohhh," she groaned, pressing one hand against her belly and the other over her mouth.

Baji dropped one foot to the ground and quickly pulled his other over before placing his hand over hers. "Don't you dare throw up."

Aiko shook her head. She wasn't one to get sick due to car rides, perhaps it was just the shock of the bike ride, as well as the fact that she had agreed to attend a gang meeting with a gang she didn't know anything about, that had overtaken her for a moment. However, she had yet to feel threatened by Baji or his friends so, as keeping calm was one of her character's key strengths, her stomach and mind were soon to settle.

The cool air brushed against her as he removed his hand and peered down into her eyes similar to how you might look at a sick child before deciding whether they were better or not. "Of course, I meant for your own sake, not just my bike's."

Ripples of light reflected off his golden eyes which were darkened by the shadow of his hair that mopped over his face and once again that fluttering feeling took over her insides, threatening to explode into a thousand giggles. "Could you .. help me down please?" she managed to get out.

Baji took her hand and kept her stable as she lifted her leg over the bike. "Did you enjoy the ride?" he asked when she was firmly on the ground.

"It was terrifying."

A full smile spread over his face as he laughed, once again revealing his cat-like incisors. "We must do it again then."

"Really?" she asked more out of shock than anything else, she thought he had simply taken her due to the coaxing from Emma and Draken.

"If you want to," he replied, his expression straightening. His eyes scrolled slowly over her face before loosening his grip on her hand that he still held and brushing it through his hair. "It's, er, up to you."

Is he blushing, or is my vision still playing tricks on me? she wondered as he looked around awkwardly.

She followed his gaze around the crowd of boys. "So, is this everyone?"

"I doubt it."

"Will you introduce me?"

A small chuckle left him as he looked at her from the corner of his eye. "You want me to introduce you to everyone here?" he asked, tracing a small circle in the air.

"You do know everyone, don't you?"

Baji looked around the group closest to where they stood. "Er, that's Fujii, Matsui and Kondo," he began, pointing to the boys as he spoke. "Kato, Shibata, and ... I don't know any of those guys. He's Kaito, we used to be in the same class. They're, umm, can we just call those guys; guy 1, guy 2, and guy 3." He continued looking around before a large smile overtook him. "Forget all those guys I just mentioned. The only one you need to remember is this one." He dropped his hand as a boy with short blonde hair approached. "This is Chifuyu and he will help you with whatever you need. Right, Chifuyu?"

Chifuyu's eyes flicked from Baji to Aiko and back. "Sure, Baji-san."

"This is my friend, Aiko," Baji said. The word friend being spoken consciously.

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