Chapter 162

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Chapter 162 When Miss Green Tea Becomes the Love Group Control Group (56)

    The underground square, mist shrouded this space, and gray clouds floated above the square.

    The blue-haired girl brought Bi Ming and the others to a long and narrow stone bench, woke up the AI ​​robot on the street, and stuffed a coin into the other side, which would allow it to provide them with lighting for an hour.

    "A coin like this only needs one credit point." Noah is obviously very familiar with the place, "It's not expensive, but for the people here, few people are willing to consume hard-earned money for such a short period of light consumption. Credit."

    Bi Ming looked around and seemed a little familiar.

    Isn't this... the place where Noah would come every late night to hold civic mutual aid meetings?

    And Phoenix also glanced sideways at a few corners, there were a few hidden breaths in those places, but it was transparent to the sentinel.

    "Testen, this is the current situation of most ordinary people's survival, without the resources to survive, living in this air full of toxins all day long, even light is a luxury... And you, since you have such a powerful ability, why? Do you want to come here?" Noya sat on the stone bench and looked at her with a cold expression, "Is there anything else worth your stay in Sora Star?"

    "Noya," Bi Ming considered for a moment before Looking at the blue-haired girl, "I'm sorry, I am indeed the power user in your mouth, but... the reason why I concealed this is because I am a guide."

    Noya frowned: "Guide? It's that kind of thing. ...a guide that can make the sentinel afraid?"

    Bi Ming sighed: "To be precise, it is the guide the sentinel wants to capture back." The original body's level is A, and the energy that he exploded seems to exceed this level, So the preciousness has to go to another level.

    Fuzzy memories of childhood appeared in Noya's mind. She remembered... The status of guides in power users is very high, but the number is not as good as that of sentries. They are generally concentrated in the central galaxy to receive support from major families, and they will be matched when they reach their age. For high-level Sentinels.

    " escaped?" She looked at Bi Ming hesitantly.

    "No," the blond girl coughed lightly, then took a deep breath, "I know it's going to be a little weird, but in fact... Finney and I came back here from the future."

    "Huh? The corner of Noya's mouth twitched, "When it's so serious, don't make fun of it, okay?"

    She would rather believe that Bi Ming and her man escaped from a big family.

    Bi Ming also felt that it was difficult to explain, so he could only put it another way: "Well, for some special reason, I was forced to come here, I didn't lie to you. As for why I haven't gone back, it's because of me. I can't get in touch with Fini, and I don't have money to take the airship..."

    Noah took a deep breath and felt that she had touched the "truth": "You ran out of the central galaxy, right? Because you don't want to be matched to a certain sentinel, So you eloped with your lover?"

    Phoenix, who had been watching the changes, couldn't help but correct: "It's not a lover, it's a formal partner."

    Noah became more and more certain that this was a pair of lovers. But they couldn't be together for various reasons, so the lover who was escaping from the family's pursuit, and then accidentally got separated during the escape process, only then did Tesdai fall to Sora.

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