Chapter 82

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Chapter 82 Tea sister relying on beauty to kill the whole alliance (11)

    Late at night, the coaches and analysts began reviewing sessions in the small office next door.

    The play style of the second game made the coaching staff find that the team has a special temperament.

    It's like a long knife being sharpened by the sharp edge, and the cold light sputters, which is terrifying.

    In fact, the operation of the players hasn't changed much, they just showed the most "team" side from last season to now.

    "The trust between the players is more complete." Coach Pyo understands the source of this change, "Lin Nan has relieved a part of the pressure for almost each of them, which makes them willing to trust their teammates even if they are in adversity.

    " The analyst nodded: "The top lane has changed from being conservative to being daring, and the middle lane has changed from hasty to calm, all because of the chain reaction brought about by the advantage of the jungle."

    Pyo smiled: "Yes, it's like with a catalyst, the team will More chemical reactions have occurred."

    "And have you noticed that Dongliu's thinking is much clearer than before." The analyst looked at the video playback on the computer.

    The assistant coach couldn't help but said: "That's because the command was transferred to the jungler. That kid just needs to follow Lin Nan's instructions to do things, can it be clear?"

    At the end of the discussion, the coaching staff reached a consensus:

    the arrival of Bi Ming , does change the style of PG.

    For any team, the jungler who can play so many roles is the absolute core.

    She has almost all the advantages of the jungle, situation control, vision layout, timing of dragon fights, support gank... If these can be quantified, then she is like a perfect pentagon warrior.

    "Tell the youth training camp to pay attention to girls in the future..." Pyo whispered, "A big baby like Lin Nan may be hidden inside. Look at how many clubs in the LPL are jealous of us now."

    "No, the big bear recently returned to the headquarters, and his face was red. It should be the big boss who praised him again." The analyst whispered, "I heard that he also received a lot of sponsorship."

    "That's because he is so good, and his ability is against everyone's opinions and let Lin Nan come to try out." The assistant coach sighed, "At the time, we all thought it was unreliable, but Da Xiong is right when he sees people, so what about girls? Get the MVP!"

    Bi Ming, who has been highly appreciated by the coaching staff, has been the topic of TOP1 in major forums recently, and people have dedicated posts to discuss changing masks of different colors.

    The most intuitive data is Weibo's e-sports player voting list. Bi Ming stands at the top of the jungler list with twice the number of votes, surpassing the well-known junglers of many powerful teams.

    Moreover, her ticket warehouse is different from that of ordinary players. There are many "wall-climbing fans" from other teams and "passer-by fans" who don't pay much attention to e-sports.

    Such a huge amount of traffic has also led to many business invitations.

    In the office of manager Guo Xiong, he was discussing the new sponsorship this season with the players.

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