Chapter 4

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~*~*~*Chapter 4 *~*~*~

Dom was consumed by the silence that hung in the air with a disgusting taste. The entire ride back to the house was quiet, too quiet. It left him with his thoughts, and they weren't pleasant in the slightest. Letty sat in the passenger seat staring out of the tinted window, avoiding his gaze. He knew the quiet would cease as soon as they were back at the house, once he was forced to face the music and explain everything. He lived the memories and mistakes once, he really didn't look forward to it again.

The sound of the door shutting was quickly followed by a short, "Explain." Letty had a scary calm coating her voice, as everyone sat around the coffee table. Ramsey took Tej and helped put Jack to bed, while Letty stood in front of the Television. Rome leaned against the door frame that led to the kitchen, Mia and Brian sat motionless on the couch. Dom paced in front of the window, the farthest from Letty. "Dom, just tell her everything. I'm tired of this." Mia begged.

"Fine, you aren't an only child. You have two sisters, just a year or two younger than you. Addilyn Armelle Ortiz, the older of the two, and Rayna Royce Ortiz, the younger. Your mom and dad hadn't planned on having any more children so when they had the twins they argued over names and gave them two first names. Addilyn is the more feminine of the two, think of Mia mixed with Ramsey or Tej... she was completely obsessed with computers and spent every waking minute with Jesse designing cars back in the day. When Lyn designed the blueprint, Royce was constantly under the hood striving to make any blueprint Addilyn or Jesse could think of come into existence. And whenever she was frustrated or couldn't think of how to fix a problem she'd blast the radio and lock herself in the garage until she figured it out. She was reckless, a spitfire. She definitely wrecked the most cars out of anyone and got into the most fights. Despite her passion to fix cars, she had a problem staying focused, she would get lost in the speed and thrill of driving and would wreck car after car."

"So eventually we got her to leave most of the racing to you. You all were the three musketeers. Addilyn the leader, you the backbone, and Royce the troublemaker. However when you died, or so we thought... Well they couldn't handle it and left, Royce ran somewhere overseas and Addilyn chased after her to keep her from getting into trouble... like that would stop her. They eventually got involved with Vincent Donovan, one of my friends and after Rio he got in touch and kept me updated for the most part. I figured they might be able to help trigger some of your memories. Help you get back into the normalities." Dom was so lost in reminiscing that he didn't notice the far off look in Letty's eyes, Mia glaring at him and Brian looking at him with questions clouding in his eyes. Rome was the only one who wasn't really interested, that much could be distinguished by his current position playing some game on his phone.

"Is that all, kinda boring if you ask me." Rome snickered to himself, before being thumped with a throw pillow that was thrown by either Brian or Mia, he couldn't be sure.


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