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1/4 cup of all-purpose flour.
1/4 cup of white sugar.
2 tablespoons of unsweetened coacoa powder.
1/8 teaspoon baking soda.
1/8 teaspoon salt.
1 tablespoon water.
2 tablespoons vegetable or canola oil.
3 tablespoons milk.
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract.
1 diamond ring.

Microwave in a mug for 2 minutes.

(I eat this all the time. Besides the ring, it's a real, legit, and delicious recipe. Even better when you add chocolate chips.)

This was the recipe to Dan's proposal. He was going to serve it to Magnus, and pray to god he doesn't swallow it whole.

"Hey, Darling."

"Magnus? What's up?"

"What are you doing?"

"Just making a cake. It's going to have been a very special day."

"What does that mean?"

"It means next year we may be celebrating today."

"Okayy..? Whatever, Imma just take a bath. Join me if you want, I'll be in a training suit anyway. It's just to calm down after today."

"Okay. Love you."

And Magnus was gone, giving Dan the chance to put the ring in. "Done. Now to microwave it."

Once it was finished, he left it on the counter to cool down.

He decided to check on his boyfriend.

He changed to one of his training suits: Magbus allowed him to wear his clothes every so often.

"Mag? Can I join?"


Dan came in, and they laid together.

"Magnus, have I been a good boyfriend?"

"Why are you asking- of course you have been! What makes you think you haven't?"

"Nothing. I wasn't sure. If I wasn't, it would've made a disaster of today."



They finish their bath, eat dinner, and Dan gives Magnus the cake.

"You sure there's no poison in here?" Magnus asks, jokingly.

"Wait... what?! Oh no..."

"Hey! Chill! It was a joke, Darling. You're acting like this whole day depends on this cake."

"The rest of my life depends on this cake."

"Like, if I don't like it, you'll die?"

"N-no... it'll just... affect the rest of it. I won't die, but... I'll probably want to, to be honest."

"Just because you have one failure doesn't mean you should give up conpletely."


"Oh, I thought you were trying to become a baker or some shit. By the way, it tastes just fine, Baby. I don't see what you're so worried abou-"

Magnus hit something with his spoon.

(Yeah, that's how you eat a mug cake.)

He scooped the piece out and went to go wash the piece off.

Dan watched with a little nervousness.

"Wait- Darling, what- what is this-?"

"Magnus, will you marry me?" Dan asked him after taking the ring from Magnus's hand and getting down on one knee.

Magnus was speechless.

"D-Dan... I... goodness gracious..."

Magnus processed this for a moment.

"Of course I will," Magnus said.

After they got married, they didn't have kids. They didn't adopt. They got a cat. His name is Gem and he is a handful. He is a cat named after his eyes, which shine like gems. He is a Russian Siberian, a hypoallergenic cat, which means no reaction out of Dan, who is allergic to cats.

Not much had changed. They loved each other all the same.

Cakes (MagDan future au)Where stories live. Discover now