016: trip to the beach 02

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CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Trip To The Beach (Part Two)

CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Trip To The Beach (Part Two)

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After the events that resulted in most of the Dumping Ground kids being yelled at by the manager, Tracy had decided to try and round up everyone and bring them back to the minivan, but found herself queuing with Tee and Carmen in the sweet shop, just in case they got yelled at again. Nova had enough of the service station and wandered back outside, hoping the minibus would be a quiet enough space for her to relax by laying across two of the seats with her headphones in and the world tuned out.

Nova sighed as she approached the van -- she should have known better than to hope for peace and quiet on a day trip with the D4mping Ground -- for she was met with Gus crouched down by the wheel, a bunch of tools by his feet.

"What're you up to, Augustus?" Nova asked, smiling slightly as she knew he didn't like being called his first name.
"It's Gus, and I'm checking the air pressure in the tyres to make sure it fits in with the handbook." he replied, slightly annoyed at the nickname, and slightly annoyed at Nova interrupting him.
"Does Mike know you're doing this?" Nova asks.
"He left before I could ask." Gus shrugged.
"Okay, dude, well as long as you're quiet, I guess." the redhead shrugged back at him, ignoring him mumbling at not getting his name right. Nova stepped into the minibus and went back to her original seat, doing just as she'd planned and relaxing to her music. That was, until she heard a commotion outside, even over her music, and turned to see Frank and Liam being chased by a... a soggy man in a suit brandishing a mop? Only those two. Nova smiled to herself and leant out the window to cheer for them, Tracy's video camera switched on in her hand and filming.

"Woo! Go Liam! Go Frank!" Liam laughed at her and winked before running off again.
Just as Nova was about to sit down in her seat again, she felt the front of the bus sink forward.

"Uhhh Gus?" she asked, getting out to see what had happened. The small girl was met with a stern looking Mike with Frank and Liam at his sides.
" I was checking the air pressure in the tyre but all the air came out." Gus explained.
"I suppose we could drive it over to the service area and pump it up again." Mike suggested.
"Driving on a flat tyre may severely damage the lining." Gus countered. Mike sighed and looked at Nova sternly.
"Did you know about this?" he asked, to which Nova winced, "sorry."
"It's okay, we have a spare." he said, going to put it on. Nova clambered back into the van and found Elektra laying in her seat, just as Nova herself had been moments before.

"You're in my seat, Blue."
"And?" she replied.
"Well can you move?"
"I can, but I won't." she smirked up at Nova, who rolled her eyes and turned around to take her single seat that she sat in for the journey earlier, before anyone else could claim it and she'd end up sitting next to Sapphire or someone. However, a smirk came to her lips as Nova placed her bag on the seat and turned around again to face Elektra.
"Okay...." Nova fake sighed before plonking herself down on top of the girl. To Nova's delight Elektra gasped in horror and began to shove the ginger off, to no avail as nova was using her arms against the back of the seat in front to keep ,herself sat on her seat.
"Parks! what the hell!" she exclaimed, wriggling beneath her to try and shove nova off.
"You're in my seat, Perkins!" Nova retaliated, forcing herself to stay seated on her lap.
"I was here first. Snooze you lose, loser."
"Technically I was here first, y'know, I sat here on the journey here."
"Fine. Stay sat there. I know you're just as uncomfortable as I am."
"Fine. I will stay here." Nova smiled, adjusting herself so that she'd be comfortable on top of Elektra's lap.

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