Momentary Escape: Liam

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"There aren't any 'usual' girls I date," I stated, dropping my fire poking stick and settling back in my chair with a sigh. "I don't date at all."

"Like you don't even go to dinner? You just... fuck random girls?"

I choked, either from the smoke or her bluntness, I'm not sure. "Um... I guess sometimes there's dinner involved. Not often though. It's mostly meeting at clubs or parties... or anywhere really. I don't usually have to many issues pulling."

Allegra rolled her dark eyes, and I couldn't help but notice the way I could see the fire dancing in them. "So cocky."

"I'm not being cocky!" I argued with a laugh. "It's just the truth. A lot of girls, especially the ones here in LA, don't care about much more than the name and how cool it'll be to tell their friends."

"That's sad."

I gave her a one shoulder shrug and picked up one of the beers I'd grabbed from the barren fridge. "Better that way when you're not looking to fall in love."

"I have a sinking suspicion that more than a few have probably fallen under your spell," Allegra chuckled as I extended the second, and final, bottle to her.

I shrugged again. "I'm not saying they haven't, but... I definitely make it clear that I'm not interested in more. There's a few I've seen more than once, but that's more of a... need than a want."

"You use them for booty calls."

"Do people still say that?"

Allegra shrugged and tipped the bottle to her lips. "I do."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Is there something wrong with that?" I asked. "Isn't that what you and Trevor were?"

"I didn't say there was anything wrong with it," Allegra argued. "And Trev and I were... I don't know. We were different. We hung out and didn't have sex sometimes. We were more friends with benefits."

"And I do... strictly benefits."

"Do you hang out with girls and not fuck them?"

"I haven't fucked you," I stated matter-of-factly, before taking another pull from my bottle and nearly gagging. This shit was gross. I definitely wasn't a beer guy. Or a least not this ritzy IPA Lana had left behind the last time she was here.

Allegra chuckled. "Not for lack of trying."


There was a moment of silence and I could tell there was something she wanted to say, but she was questioning whether or not she should. "So... do you think your relationship phobia comes from Liv or your family?"

I stroked the tip of my tongue over my teeth. "Both, I guess? I don't know. Haven't really thought about it."

"That's bullshit."

"Fine. I've thought about it, but I'd rather not."

"Have you ever..." Her voice trailed off for a moment. "Have you ever talked to anybody about what happened? When you were a kid?"

I shook my head. "No."

"Don't you think maybe you should?"

I shrugged. "I think I'm doing just fine."


"Can we talk about something else please? I was in a perfectly good mood until about four seconds ago."

Allegra's voice came back a hushed murmur. "Sorry."

I groaned and rubbed my palms into my eyes. "No, don't be sorry. I shouldn't have snapped. I just... I don't like talking about it because that makes me think about it and if I think about it, I go to a really dark fucking place and I try my fucking damnedest to not go there."

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