Feeling It Out: Allegra

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Everyone just stood there staring at each other for a beat. Joey glared, Sadie looked annoyed, and Liam? Well, Liam I couldn't honestly tell what he was looking at thanks to the mirrored aviators that concealed his eyes.

My gaze bounced back and forth between the three. "What'd I miss?" I asked a bit trepidatiously.

Sadie sighed and said "Nothing" while Joey barked "Fucking Liam!"

I just shook my head and decided to stay out of it. "Are we doing this or what?"

"I don't know, Liam, are we?" Joey damn near snarled.

"I said it was fine!" Liam exclaimed. "Why are you being such a prick, dude?"

I looked between the battling friends. "What's going on?"

"This fucking moron forgot he okayed you moving in here," Joey snapped.

My face fell, instant panic swelling in my chest. I needed this. I was starting grad school in two weeks. I didn't have the time to look for a new place. I wouldn't even know where to begin! I'd only been in Los Angeles a week! I couldn't afford a real place!

"Allegra..." I heard Sadie's voice and felt her hand wrap around mine. I snapped from her daze and looked into her eyes. "Breathe, honey. It's okay. We'll figure it out."

I heard Liam sigh and moved my gaze to him. He looked almost identical to the man that was currently on the cover of every magazine and tabloid lining grocery checkouts across the country. Almost identical. Except for the fact that he was huge. He had to be at least six foot five and, at only five three, I felt like a dwarf. His body was immaculate: all tan and toned, pecs and abs defined, small tattoos in places that could easily be covered.

Liam Cohen was gorgeous.

But I was only one in a million women who thought so.

"There's nothing to figure out!"' Liam exclaimed, dragging me out of my appreciative daze. "She can stay. Its fine!"

"I'm not sure I want her to anymore," my brother chimed in, his voice still a low growl.

My eyes narrowed and snapped to Joey. "Good thing it's not your call then, huh?"


"Allegra," I corrected. "My name is Allegra."

Joey rolled his eyes and his shoulders. "Allegra, we'll find somewhere else..."

"Why? Why can't I say here?" I asked.

"Because I don't want you to!" Joey exclaimed.

"Joseph," Sadie sighed.

"No," Joey stated firmly, shaking his head. "We'll figure something else out. This isn't happening. She's not living with this fucking moron."

I folded my arms over my chest and levelled my brother with a hard stare. "SHE is standing right here and is perfectly capable of making her OWN decisions."


"I'm not a kid anymore, Joey!" I interrupted. "I'm fucking twenty-five! I existed without you in Michigan for the last six years, I think I can handle my own decisions!"

"You can stay with Sadie and I until we figure something else out."

"NO!" Liam and I both shouted at the same time. I gave him a quizzical look and then focused my attention back on my domineering older brother. "I'm not moving into your cramped one bedroom when there's a whole fucking guest house here that I can have to myself!"

"She's right, Joe," Liam stated, continuing on my point. "I don't even use the guest house. She should have her own space instead of slumming it on your sofa."

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