Chapter 2: Heavy Metal

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"O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;
It is the green-ey'd monster" Shakespeare.

Fiona was let out by her maid the next morning to then be greeted by a group of fighters in the huge table, she sat down next to Scourge.

Scourge: my fellow fighters, it is a great privilege to meet you all here for this wonderful meal. Before we talk about the fight, let's begin with some rules.

Rhino: rules? Are you joking?

Fiona rolled her eyes as the conversation/ argument kept going on, but in the far left of the table she saw an unknown person in a hood watch this go on carefully, as if he was taking mental notes.

Scourge: now that we have that cleared up, everyone to there rooms, I'll have us begin tomorrow night so for now, get rest.

Everyone left the table except for the hooded one, he just kept eating the food.

Scourge: excuse me did you not here me I said...

???: nutrition inside food builds energy, especially to the upper body.

Scourge: well aren't you the smart one, I agree. I like you kid what's your name?

Fiona watched the two, realizing who was under that hood. The person removed his hood to reveal it to be Christien.

Fiona: what the hell happened to you?!

Fiona walked over to Christien to see that he was very different than when she first saw him. He had a scar over his left cheek while one eye was a bright yellow and the other red.

Scourge: I like this kids look, come with us Christien. I have something that might interest you.

Christien nodded his head in agreement and stood up, giving a glare at Fiona.

The three walked out to the back area where an entire land of ruins were located. The trees were all broken down and burned.

Scourge: this was what it always looked like when I got here, i never minded it before but it's getting hard to live like this.

Christien: so you want to see if someone can take your place and fix all this, am I wrong?

Fiona looked at Christien and nodded her head yes. He said his goodbyes to the two but looked back at Fiona before leaving.

Christien: Lien-Da happened, you won't believe what's happening back at home.

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