Dinner was uneventful. Just the usual. Selfies with Felix, fries dunked in milkshakes, Jisung complaining about getting a brain freeze, and Hyunjin making fun of him. Pretty normal.

Then they tried to leave.

Minho and Changbin scooted their relative snugglers to the side and gathered the trash. Hyunjin entertained Felix with pictures of Kkami, and Jisung forced some of his own animal pictures into the conversation.

When Changbin returned, he dusted off his hands and buried one in Felix's blond hair.

"Alright, little man, time to head back to Chan's. It's getting late, and you need your sleep." The boy gave Changbin a dazed look but went straight back to Hyunjin's phone. Changbin moved his hand to rub Felix's ear. "Come on, Lixie. I also need to get back to Minsoo."

The rest of the table held their breath, waiting for a reaction, hoping for a good one. However, they knew it wouldn't be when they saw shallow breaths and quick swallows. Hyunjin could feel how the boy's shoulders shuddered and knew what was coming even before the first few drops appeared on his phone screen. He quickly placed his phone to the side and engulfed Felix in a hug.

"Shh, shh." The comfort helped for a moment while Hyunjin sent Changbin a glare from over Felix's shoulder. Changbin threw his hands in the air and silently asked Hyunjin what he wanted him to do about it.

"Jinnie, I don't wanna go home." Felix hiccupped out, further burying himself in Hyunjin's shoulder.

"I know, Baby, I know." Hyunjin stroked the back of Felix's head. "Is there anything that would make it better?"

Felix pulled away, the light at the restaurant making his watery eyes shimmer. "Stay with me?"

"Tonight?" Hyunjin helplessly watched when Felix nodded. It was a Friday, so there was a chance his mother would let him, but... "I could try."

"What about..." Felix glanced around at the others.

"Hm? You want everyone there?" The couple looked intrigued while Changbin sighed and stuffed his hands in his hoodie pocket. Felix turned back and gave Hyunjin a hopeful smile. "Well, you'll have to ask them."

Felix turned to the couple, then flicked his eyes to Changbin. Through his eyelashes and a shy smile, he whispered, "Sleepover?"


Felix really didn't have to ask. Any of them would have jumped at the chance to spend the night. If anything, for keeping the peace, but Jisung claimed it was for the treats that awaited them at Chan's place.

This led to a profusion of phone calls and a quick dispersion to grab necessary items needed for sleep. Hyunjin didn't go home though. Chan could give him fresh clothes, and his teeth would survive one night without brushing. There was no way he was leaving Felix right now.

And that continued as he named himself the resident snuggler throughout the evening. Nothing would harm his Lix as long as he was there, curled around him on the couch. Even the popcorn on the floor would not deter him from his mission.

"Jin, you should be helping." Changbin cast his eyes to the pair and glared. He was on the ground picking up pieces of popcorn before Chan's dog could gobble them all up. Hyunjin shrugged and snagged a brownie off the coffee table, observing Chan and Changbin with a casual arm draped around Felix. He had nothing to do with scaring Jisung, so why should he help with the clean-up?

"I'm on Felix duty, remember?" Felix snuggled closer, pulling his blanket up to his chin but otherwise blissfully unaware of a reality beyond the movie playing in the background.

"We're all on Felix duty." Changbin dryly replied, continuing his quest to pick up the most popcorn for absolutely no reason.

Hyunjin swallowed a sassy remark, reminding himself that Changbin was right. Although he was the only one giving literal comfort, everyone was doing their best to provide emotional support.

"Well, that about does it," Chan said, throwing the last few pieces of popcorn in the trash, "How about we get back to that movie?"

There were no words of acknowledgment, just Jisung carrying a fresh bowl of popcorn and settling on top of Minho in the recliner while the others plopped on the couch on opposing sides of the cuddling pair.

And that's where they stayed. In Chan's living room, with the Captain America theme song to accompany their dreams. 


Hello, Everyone!

It has come to my attention that I have made Changjin into Lix's parents. I didn't really do that on purpose, but I suppose it works.

Anyway, I hope you have an awesome day!

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