Chapter 71

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Jungkook's POV


I laid in my bed as I was exhausted, there was too much work to do today. Ever since I proposed to Jimin, we have been both hands on when it came to preparing the wedding, we go for cake tasting together. We decided on the decor together. I don't wanna miss a step of the preparations and Jimin seems happy that I'm always helping every step of the way, and his happiness is my happiness.

The wedding is tomorrow, Am I getting cold feet? No...not at all. But is Jimin getting cold feet? I actually think he is, He questions me everyday about this. Always asking if I'm sure that I wanna marry him, asking if I won't ever leave him, sometimes asks what would happen if he got scared and didn't come to his own wedding. I think he is really getting cold feet but there's no way he is backing up now.

My phone rang and I looked at the caller ID, it was my love. I smiled and answered.

"Hey baby" I said. There was sniffing on the other side. Not again, he is always crying.

"Jimin come on, is this about you being scared to walk down the aisle?" I asked him.

"But Kookie...what if I trip and fall? People will laugh at me and our wedding will be ruined. (Sniff) Can't we postpone the wedding?" Jimin asked sniffing again. I rolled my eyes sighing.

"Jimin no. You won't trip and fall, even if you do baby that won't mean our wedding is ruined." I said trying to console him.

"But Jungkook you don't understand" he said sniffing.

"I do understand Jimin, please just calm down" I asked him in a soft voice

"I'm trying...I can't calm down, just let me cry Kookie" he said and he released a loud sob.

"Baby no no no, stop crying...who is there with you? Is Taehyung there with you?" I asked him, Taehyung has been with Jimin evrytime. He never even sleeps at his place anymore.

"Why do you want to talk to Taehyung? Am I annoying or nagging you?" He asked. His voice sounding mad now. I rolled my eyes. He can have attitude if he wants.

"Jimin just give Tae the phone please. I need to talk to him" I said

"What about me? Am I not important?" Jimin asked. I sighed ruffling my hair.

"You are important Jimin, that's why I'm marrying you tomorrow. Because I love you and no one else. Now please give Tae the phone baby" I begged.

"Jimin didn't hear that sob speech, I did" That was now Tae's voice.

"What?" I asked shocked. Did he give Tae the phone while I was talking to him? That little rude short ass pretty boy.

"Nice speech by the way. Why did you want to talk to me?" Tae asked sighing loudly.

"You sound tired" I said.

"Being with Jimin is a full time job. He literally orders me around and he...." There was some shuffling and I heard Jimin shouting.

"Fuck you Kim Taehyung. Are you trying to say I'm a bad and irritating friend?!" That was Jimin shouting. There was more shuffling and I heard the door close.

"Kooks? You still there?" Tae asked.

"What's going on there?" I asked

"Jimin is crazy dude, I don't know if it's because he is worried about tomorrow or something else is bothering him." Tae said.

"That's it, I'm coming over there" I said getting up.

"No Jungkook. You know it's bad luck seeing him before the wedding" Tae said

Dangerous Attraction [jikook]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang