No surprise when I say that he's already looking at me while resting his elbows on the table.

This guy just loves looking at me whenever he can, doesn't he?

"Why?" was what came out of Luke's mouth.

"Why what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Why did you tell Jake to order the same thing I got? You could've asked for something else" Luke said.

"I get that, but I wanted to get something new. And besides I doubt that you get the same thing I always get whenever I come here" I explained.

Luke hummed at that and nodded his head, seemingly understanding where I was coming from.

Silence filled around us, neither of us said anything to each other, the only thing you could hear were typing noises coming from the phones of both June and Olivia.

Finally, Luke decided to break the silence.

"So, did you have a good time today?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I had an amazing time" I smiled, nodding my head.

"Well, I'm glad, that's the whole reason we brought you here. So you can have fun and be more comfortable around us, around me" Luke said.

"I've been comfortable with you guys for quite a bit, I just needed some time. Especially with you" I said.

This made Luke frown before his frown changed into a pout.

"Why me?" Luke asked, pretending to be upset.

"How about we start with the fact that you've constantly flirted with me, not to mention you put your hand on my thigh on the ride here" I explained, annoyed.

Luke's face changed into one of concern as he sat up straighter.

"Did I make you uncomfortable because of that? I swear I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable. Why didn't you say anything? I would've stopped if I knew you felt that way" Luke asked.

My annoyance washed away and was replaced with fondness.

I like that he drops the flirting and immediately gets worried that he went too far and made me uncomfortable in any way.

He even goes out of his way to apologize.

And that's not something you'd see everyday.

I won't lie when I say that it warms my heart, deeply.

"Luke, relax, you didn't make me uncomfortable. Sure, I'll admit I was annoyed with your flirting and putting your hand on my thigh, but that was it. I swear you didn't make me uncomfortable" I reassured him.

Just by saying this made him release a sigh of relief, placing his hand over his chest.

"Thank god. You had me worried there for a second" Luke said.

I fondly rolled my eyes at him, causing him to chuckle, before he looked at me seriously.

"But really, if you ever feel uncomfortable with what I do, tell me and I'll stop" Luke softly but sternly said.

A soft smile was soon plastered on my face as I gently patted his shoulder.

"I will, I promise" I nodded my head.

Luke sent me a small smile and gently nudged my arm, causing me to chuckle.

We were so caught up in our conversation that we didn't notice the smirks June and Olivia were sending us.

A Few Hours Later

McDonalds is amazing.

Maybe not for everyone, but for me and the others, it's amazing.

We munched down on all our food, not once did we leave anything behind.

The time you spend at a mall makes you tired and hungry. Which makes sense why we munched down all our food.

Once we were done eating we immediately gathered our things and left. It was getting late and we all wanted nothing more than to go home and rest.

Olivia and June went with Jake in his car while Luke went with me in my jeep.

Finally after driving for quite some time we finally made it to the apartment that all four of them live in.

Apparently from what Luke told me him and Olivia live in an apartment together while June and Jake live in another apartment a few doors next to them.

It confuses me as to why they're living alone and not with their families.

Do they have any family? Why are they living alone?

But despite my curiosity to know more about their family situations I decided not to say anything.

I may be friends with them but we're still strangers, in a way, and I don't want to bother or overwhelm them with questions about their families.

Especially if they don't want to talk about it.

So, I just kept my mouth shut and watched as Jake found a parking space before him and the girls got out of the car.

I turned to Luke and saw him unbuckling his seat belt before turning to me.

"Thanks for the ride, love" Luke said.

"Of course, don't mention it" I smiled.

Luke nodded before grabbing his bags that were in the backseat.

He opened the door and was about to get out before he stopped.

I raised an eyebrow at him, confused, before he slowly turned his head to look at me.

"I'm glad you had fun today. Not only that, but I had fun just hanging out with you" Luke said.

"Yeah, but the others were with us, didn't you have fun hanging out with them too?" I asked.

Luke chuckled slightly and looked at me with a weird glint in his eyes.

"I know, but I never really have fun shopping even with my friends. If anything, hanging out with you made shopping less boring and more fun" Luke smirked.

My eyes widen slightly and my cheeks turned red.

Does he really mean that?

I mean, the way he spoke sounded real, so maybe he is.

Luke sent me a tiny smile before opening the door and getting out.

He closed the door and gently tapped on my jeep before walking towards the door of the building.

I looked forward and saw Jake holding the door to the building as he let June and Olivia inside. He glanced at us and sent me a smile before heading in himself.

Before he went inside he glanced at me one last time, he waved before heading inside to catch up with the others.

When he was gone a sigh escaped my lips before I started my jeep and drove off.

I'm so exhausted that I just want to head straight to bed as soon as I get home.

And maybe have time to think about what's going on between Luke and I.

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