Kept promises

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It was the next day, and you were just sitting in your bed. There was no school today, since it was the weekend. Your family was out of the house for the whole day, again.

You were still really sad that Candy told you to stay away from him, and it made you kinda scared of Rascal. He seemed so kind and like he'd never harm a thing! But, maybe stuff wasn't as it seemed...

No, you were positive that he would never hurt anyone! I mean, he did seem a little odd at first, and creepy, but he was so kind!

You decided to put on some earbuds, and decide to listen to some music for yourself.

(I really like the song above, so I decided to use it for this. Of course, you don't have to listen to it, I just think it matches this the most, anyways back to the story!)

You slowly shut your eyes, laid back in your bed, and just let the music sink in.

As you swayed slowly back and forth to the beat of the song, occasionally nodding your head to the beat.

All of a sudden, you heard the small pitter patter of feet across the carpeted floor. Assuming it was your cat, you jolt up, giving a quick brush through your hair with your hand.

Nobody was there. Now instantly, you could tell that it was certain jester friend of yours. out of nowhere, a pair of hands lightly cover your eyes, and a voice calls out from behind. I'm sure you can guess who it is.

"Guess who!~" Rascal says, giggling in a playful tone. You laugh, thinking of a funny way to respond.

"Oh, well, I'm not sure who!" You giggle. "Hmm, are you, my mother?"

"Nope!" He chuckles. "Try again!"

"Hmm... I don't know, I'm stumped! I give up!" You giggle.

He uncovers your eyes, and teleports to infront of you, a nice big grin on his face. "Surprise!" He chuckles. 

"Oh, it's you Rascal! I should've known!" You tease excitedly. All of a sudden, Candy's words hoverd into your head.

"Listen, Y/N. Rascal is one of the most dangerous goons of emperor Nogo! He could hurt you! Y/N, promise me you'll stay away from him!"

You had a promise to keep, and you knew that you couldn't let down everyone, including poor little Candy who seemed so worried.

"Um, listen Rascal, there's something I have to say..." You state nervously. "Um, about The Glitter Force..."

You could see his grin go a slight more straight. "I'm friends with them, and I'm a side member now! But-" "Oh, no need to worry! Just because you're a member doesn't mean that it'll block our love! I promise I can make it work somehow!" He persist. You could see the slight worried look on his face, and you tried to not make him feel bad, you really did!

"That's not the whole reason..." You say, you could see him become a slight more sad, yet almost, slightly angry.

"I, um, told them about us hanging out, b-but let me state this before you get mad! I never that you had a grudge with The Glitter Force, and I never knew that you were a goon of emperor Nogos! I guess it just came to mind, and I wanted to tell someone about it... Once I told them, they became worried and I made a promise to stay away from you! I would love to hang out! But, I've got a promise to stick to... I can't let that go." You explain.

It felt as if tears were almost going to burst down your face, but luckily, you were able to hold it all back.

You could see how sad Rascal seemed, but then it was as if all of it just washed away in seconds, then he pulls me up from my seat on my bed.

"What if we keep it a secret! That way nobody would know!" "No, I have to keep my promise no matter what!" You state. 

"Listen, Rascal, maybe if stuff clears up, then we can hang out again!" You say. You lightly grasp his hand and look up at him, both of your eyes meeting perfectly. "...together. I promise, I'll see what I can do!"

You hug him, still trying to hold back some tears.

"I-I promise, I'll figure out something." You choke. He hugs you back lightly, swaying side to side a little bit.

"I trust you. And don't worry, I'll try to find a way too for myself." He says, making you feel a little bit better.

"O-okay, I'll try and find a way for it to work with the rest." You say, trying to keep your hopes up.

"Well then, I should get going..." Rascal says, walking towards the balcony. "Until next time, my love!"

And so, he jumps onto the railing, and jumps backwards. He disappeared again. 

You walk back to your bed, and slip your earbuds back in, and begin to play music again, just drifting off...



Hey guys! I felt like publishing another chapter again today, cause I was just a writing machine! I'm really happy with how this turned out so far, so I couldn't help myself! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it so far, and hope you have a great rest of your day! :3

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