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Present Mics POV-

That question caused so much worry for me, could Izuku be getting abused? What does he mean by someone you look up to? There's so many people that the listener could be talking about. He seemed to realise his mistake as he quickly said, "This is hypothetical of course, i mean ready for when i'm a hero as I'm considering becoming an underground hero so i want to know how best to help the people who are often overlooked by the big time heroes." this just worried me more, what does he mean those overlooked has he been overlooked, did he ask for help and get ignored. I decided it was best to answer him and said, "I hate that you have reason to believe that heros, such as myself, would overlook someone but I think it is very honourable that you want to look after everyone. Now for you question I know what it is like to be emotionally bullied however i do know some people who you could talk to about more on the physical part of things as i only know the limited information that you learn about stuff like that during your third year of hero training, since it's no longer seen as being such a big issue with quirks since most children are visited monthly by a quick doctor who does all round health checks." This seemed to confuse Izuku even more, did he not get checked by a quirk doctor? Is that why he has so little control? Why would someone with a quirk as strong and destructive as his not get more visits than most people? This kid concerns me more and more everytime i speak to him. He is an amazing young boy who I can tell that with the proper support will go very far in life but at the same time behind his wall of smiles and cheerfulness I see pain, loss and fear. What could have happened to this listener, not only does he not believe that people care for him but also seems like he's telling me he's been or is being abused without coming right out and saying it. Izuku then said the thing that probably broke me the most, "well a Deku is deserving of people's time" then put his metaphorical mask back on and walked straight in the classroom.

396 words-sorry that this chapters really short ive been planning a new story but still want to get something out in this one, tomorrow is my last exam so hopefully i will be able to update more regularly after that. thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed

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