My Little Love

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"Y/n?" Mom said raspy and quickly crawled to me hugged me tightly. "You're ok!" She cried cupping my face with both of her hands "Your ok! I thought you di-" she gets cut off by me getting yanked by the blonde guy. "OH! Look at what we have here. Thank you for joining us Naoko." He said "Let her go Dachi" Mom threatened trying to stang up "Damn it Naoko! what did I tell you about calling me that. It's just Dai." He said still having me in his grasp, dangling me around like a Raggedy An doll. I struggle to get out of his grasp, but then I stopped. She said his name and he corrected her like if they were..... friends. I looked like I wasn't the only one who caught that for Sanzu and looked at her in confusion. "Naoko, you know this asshole." Sanzu sounded like if we was gonna pop at any given moment. All she could do is look down at her feet. I look to my left to see Ran and Rin walking up together with their hands holding the back of their necks. "What did we mis-" "SHUT UP!" Sanzu's shout cutted off Ran. He took large loud steps and grabbed her by her shirt and shook her. "Do you know him!" He yelled this time facing her. "Oh darling" Dai started "We work together". It was as if everyone forgot how to speak for a second. Even i was in shock. "You stupid bitch!" Sanzu threw mom to the side. Ive had it. I threw my leg over to Dai's stomach and he dropped. When he let go of me I tried to punch Sanzu, but he caught my fist twisting it in the process. I yelp getting Mom's attention and her charging at Sanzu kicking him in he leg pressure point then his face. "Y/n is that you?" Ran spoke I didn't get a chance to answer because I was then asked another question "Y/n you know these people?", it was Hondō and he didn't look to happy. "Hondo I- I used t- well.. I still d-" I stop myself from talking. Y/n get a grip. "I used to work with them." I answer, he still didn't seem to like that answer. "Y/n who's this?" I turn around and it was Mikey "A friend." Was all I answer with. "Oh I remember you." Ran said teasingly "Ran don-" I try to say "Your one of the guys that was with y/n, but you were way out of it" Ran loud mouth said. I can feel Hondō's eyes on me "Y/n what does he mean" Hondō's tone got harsher. When he realized I wasn't gonna answer we got closer and shoved me "What does he mean!" "What the fuck!" I shove him back, "You have no right to put your hands on me!" I make myself clear "How you gonna lie to me! Lie to Kazane when all we've done is help you! Time over time with your shitty family!" "HONDŌ THAT ENOUGH!" A fourth party voice was heard. Coming out of the shadows was Mitsuya, Draken, Kazutora and Takemichi and another guy. "Dad?" Was what can be heard from Hondō's mouth "Pah-chin.." a whisper was heard from Mikey. Kazutora walks up to Hondō and straight up suckered punch him. "You step out of pocket" Kazutora said to him. Then Kazutora looked at me who was completely hurt. "You can't do that" a guy from the crowd said outloud that comment being directed to Kazu in which he responded with "i can do whatever I want to my son" gasp were heard all throughout the audience. "Damnnnn Since when Kazutora had a baby! Where's the baby mama!" Ran chuckled in return getting a slap in the back of the head from his brother whispering to him that the baby mama is dead and that it wasn't the time. I slowly turn to my mom who was crying silently. "Y/n are you ok!" Takemichi says running my way. That when a hand reaches my shoulder, I look up and it was Mikey just staring at Takemichi. Takemichi body language changed when he saw that. "I thought I told you to be safe." Takemichi said "She would be safer with use then she'll ever be with you guys" a new voice comes in Koko?

One thing lead to another and everyone was arguing. Mom and Sanzu were yelling over her working with the Peccare while being with Bonten. Mikey and Takemichi yelling over my safety and their past. Ran and Rin yelling and Draken and Mitsuya over stuff as well. I was just there in the middle. Its all my fault. I made this happen. They all would be in this situation if it wasn't for me. My lies... they're affecting everyone. Me in general. I'm effecting everyone. If only.... If only I could just disappear. I snap out of my thoughts and realized something was wrong. "Sh" I try to shush everyone a couple of times. "EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" My voice caught the attention of everyone. "What is it asshole!" Sanzu yelled at me "Do you hear that?" Everyone tried to listen in "Yea its your stupidity" "No! Stop being a fucking smartass for a sec and just listen!" I yelled at Rin this time. I look around and that's when it finally hit me. "Where is Dai and the rest of the Peccare?" I ask out loud. They lead us to a sink hole that had high walls that someone can easily look over if they need to.... target someone. I look up at mom and she must have been thinking the same thing. "ITS A TRAP! EVERYONE RUN!" I yelled running. Not even a second into me running guns were being fired. I run to find a spot were I can hide. The Bonten members must have came with guns and stuff because they were shooting back. This was supposed to be a fair fist fight war. No one ever plays fair anymore. As the Bonten members were shooting most of the Ludic guys were leaving only about 40 stayed to fight. When I seen bodies start to fail from the sky I picked up the leftover guns and knifes they had and joined in the fight. I was shooting anywhere above really. It was when some of the Peccare's got on the ground to fight is when I pulled out the knife. When I was slicing them and stabbing them all I could feel was hatred. The werid thing is that it wasn't towards them or Bonten or Ludic... it was towards myself. I started to observe were most of the shots were going to and I panicked They're targeting mom! When I got to her there was 9 men surrounding her. I jumped on top of one stabbing him in the neck them leaping on to the next twisting him in leg. On and on I stabbed and twisted bones til there was no one around her. Suddenly the bullets stopped and a clapping sound was being made. "Well done! Well done!" Dai clapped coming down with the rest if his men "Was this not one of the best mother and daughter fights of all time or what!" He called. Me and mom were both covered in blood and sweat, breathing heavily. "Though it usually goes 'like Father like daughter' ill have to give it to you... this was definitely a 'like Mother like daughter' moment" he said rolling a coin my way. It stop right under me and it had a word on it. I bent down to pick it up and when I stood back up I read it. 'Gotcha :)' is what it said. When I pulled the coin away from my face a glowing red dot caught my attention. It was aimed at my chest

Uh oh

"Y/N!" Everyone. Mikey, Sanzu, Hondō, Kazane, Rin, Ran, Koko, Mom, Draken, Kazutora, Mitsuya and Takemichi yelled my name running towards me. A gun shot was heard. It was really loud to the point were I heard a high pitch ringing in my ears. I was on the ground and felt the same warm feeling of liquid, but when I looked down I was paralyzed. "Mom." I mouthed she was laying on top of me with blood gushing out of her. "Mom!" I screamed, she leaped to block the bullet. She sacrificed herself. Police sirens can be heard from the distance. It caused the members of Ludic and Peccare to flea. "Tell your daughter and mom I said hi Naoko cocked before joining the rest. I quickly drag mom to the nearest wall to sit her up right. Her eyes were closing in and out. I grabbed her face with tears in my eyes. I was choking up on my words. My hands, my body it was shaking. I cup her face with both of my hand wiping blood off of her. "You gonna be ok! Ok?" I reassured her and she chuckled shaking her head. "My little love, I see your eyes widened like the ocean. When you look at me so full of my emotions" she started coughing up some blood. "Mom please do waste you breath" i sniff "It's my fault and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" I bawl, but she quietly and gentle shushed me grabbing my hands and just holding them. "Im finding it hard to be here sincerely. I know you feel lost, it's my fault completely" "It's not its not" I whisper shaking my head. "I don't recognize myself in the coldness of the daylight. So I ain't surprised you can read through all my lies" she looks up to Sanzu saying that last part.
"I feel so bad to be here when I'm so guilty" Kazane said softly catching everyone's eyes "it'd not your fault kiddo" draken put a hand on Kazane's head "I'm so far gone and your the only one who can save me" her voice was getting lower and lower each sentence almost. "I don't deserve you. I'm not worthy enough daughter" or sister or granddaughter... "You know mommy doesn't like anyone like I like you right?" She kissed my forehead. There was a smile, but then a frown. "I will never leave your side in lif or in death" she tightened her grasp on my hand "Your father.... he's--" her sentence got cut off by a bloody cough . "He's what?" I asked leaning in more to hear her " he's the leader... the leader of the Peccare's" she said horsely and all I can do is stare a her. When her grip loosened I knew I was starting to loose her "Y/n we have to go!" Mikey shouted grabbing my hand. "No! No! No! No! Not yet! I'm not ready to let go! Just hold on mama!" I yell crying feeling her touch turn cold "Y/n the police are coming let's go!" Sanzu grab my other arm running and dragging my away with Mikey holding my other arm.

"I'm holding on...."


We're the last words of Naoko...

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