Eyes on me

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(Today is the big fight)

2 days have past since mom's disappears and all I can do it argue. I haven't been sleeping too. Maybe slipped in 2 or 3 hours of sleep, but I can't risk mom dying all because I needed some sleep.

"Your telling me that you have millions of men that serve you, but you can't find one woman!" I slam my fist on the table and I look down at my hand. Another bruise to add to the bunch. "Y/n you need to cal-" "Don't fucking finish that." I say coldly to Hanma sitting next to me. There's 9 of us sitting in a meeting. Me, Mikey, Hanma, Sanzu, Rin, Ran, Koko, The bimbo and brat. I look at the other end of the table which is where Mikey is sitting. "You promised that we'll find her. I guess you can't keep up with at promise too?" I mock him "I'll have you know, Mikey is thr best dad ever" the brat said "who?" I questioned her "Mi-" "Asked. Shut the hell up and stay in your place" I tell her with a dead plain face. The bimbo covered the little girl's ears. "That wasn't nice!" The bimbo spoke up getting out of her chair and I did the same "You want to know what else isn't nice. MY MOM GETTING FUCKIN KIDNAPPED! Yet here we are. Stuck! Not moving! No mom to be found!" I yell. The both of us yell back and forth while the men just sit there. "She's been gone for only two day's you twat. SHES PROBABLY DEAD ALREADY!" the woman yelled. The room was quiet. "Oh Shiiiiit..." a slight whisper coming from Ran for he knew what was about to come next. "Boss I think you shou-" Koko started but my yelling cut him off "¡Esta perra estúpida! Estás a punto de ser el próximo, imbécil. ¡Te patearé el trasero, a tus hijas, a toda tu línea familiar!" I run towards her and kick her in the stomach. Before I can hit her again Koko got a hold of me. "Y/n you need to stop! Y/n! Quit it!" He shouted. I shrugged him of me and that's when it hit me. "What day is it?" I ask in general "Saturday" Rin answered and I made a quiet gasp to myself Today is the big fight! I forgot all about it! "I have to go." I walk to door, but Koko gets infront of me "Why?" He asked "It's none of your b-" I get cut off my Mikey who looks dead inside and out "Let her go. We have that thing today that we have to discuss" and with that I left.


"You understood what she said koko?" Ran asked

"Not one bit."

I took a cab to Kazu's cat chop to make sure Miko is ok and when I got there it was really quiet, but the place was open still. What's going on here? I walk to the back I heard faint whispers so I kept on walking. As I got closer the whispers got louder. I peak my head around a doorway to see Takemichi, Kazutora, Mitsuya, Draken and another guy that I don't know. I stand near the doorway still, hoping that I can hear them clearly. "We can't just do nothing Kazutora, Mikey is our friend. If we let the fight happen to day everyone us going to die..... That includes y/n and yo ----" Takemichi said What was that last part he said? "This isn't Toman anymore. He stopped being our friend along time ago and you know it." Kazu said
"What do mean y/n too?" Draken questioned "The Peccare's they're leader ------ she's with -------- her mom ------------ attacked -------- plan ----------- which evolves------------- Mikey to commit ------------- for him----------- in the death of y/n." Takemichi finished but I can only make out a few things. I stood there for a few more minutes gathering information then decided to take me leave. Before that though i heard one last thing before i left. "You future needs you, your past doesn't. Whatever you need Takemichi i got your back" was Kazu's last words i heard. I wonder what he meant by that. I got a text from Kazane telling me that there's gonna be a last minute meeting before the fight, so be there in 10. That's exactly what I did, I stopped by a near by store to get a mask and ran myself there.

When I arrived there it was more crowded the usual which was really odd. I try to push myself through all the guys and the closer I got to the front the more I notice.... This guy's... their not from Ludic that's when I get pulled to the side, it was Hondō. "Hey stranger" he greeted "Hey, where is Kazane?" I wonder "He's talking to the big gu-" "Attention!" We hear a shout. "Second in command of Peccare we speak now" the guy shouted. What I can only guess is the second in command walks up and Kazane behind him.

Sano's 'Kid' | Mikey x Teen ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang