RNMR #121

174 4 0

Ceris: Azura gave me seven empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions?

Lance: Put spaghetti in it

Ceris: I am currently taking suggestion from everyone but you

Rain: Put spaghetti in it

Ceris: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two


Ceris: Don't-

Stella: Put spaghetti in it

Ceris *Throws notebooks in the air* : I am no longer taking suggestions.

Second One-

Arabella: I currently have seven empty maps and I have no idea what to chart or what to do with them. Any suggestions?

Flame-Eye: 🗺 🍝  (Put spaghetti on top)

Arabella: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you

Pearl: 🗺 🍝 (Put spaghetti on top)

Arabella: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two

Purple Reaper:

Arabella: Reaper, don't-

Purple Reaper: Put spaghetti on top

Arabella *Throws maps in the air* : I am no longer taking suggestions.

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