"Believe it, because I'm not going anywhere. I got lucky to get a girlfriend as perfect as you and I will never, ever leave you," She murmurs.

I roll over onto the grass so that we're facing each other, and she kisses my cheek before asking me another question.

"What have you been drawing, baby?" She questions.

"I'm not telling you until it's done."


"Because it's a surprise."

"But I want to know NOW," She whines.

I kiss her pout away and shake my head. "Patience is a virtue. You'll like it better when it's done, anyway," I tell her instead.

She shakes her head, smiling, and after a moment of peaceful silence she decides to bring up something different, something special.

"This is where we met for the first time, you know. When we were just tiny little six year olds."

I reach up and stroke her cheek with my thumb. "Mmm hmm. Best day of my life," I grin.

"Best day of mine too."

"Do you remember how it went?"

"Every. Moment."

"Me too."

I had been watching her in secret for what felt like forever. Staring at her from where I was hidden behind a dirty shipping crate full of Auradon's leftovers, which had already been raided by the older villains long ago (trust me, I checked).

I observed the blue haired girl. She was sitting on the edge of the broken pirate ships, the ones that sat atop the filthiest hill on the Isle. She was doing what looked like...bedazzling a pirate hat? The shiny sequins in her hands had caught my attention AGES ago, and I hadn't been able to look away since.

The thing is, I had been slowly making a gang for the past month or so now. Trying to gather other villain kids to bow down to me and have my back whenever I needed something. It would be useful, I figured. Today, I had been scouting the glum streets all day for other kids to join my new gang. I needed a last member and the way she had me roped in like a pirates' fishing line was saying something to me. But I was so indecisive. Does she seem cool? Or lame? Or something else entirely? Every so often my dragon eyes would flash fluro green, fire burning behind them as I stared. And when it started to happen more frequently, I knew I had reached my limit. I had to talk to this girl, it was the only way I could find out more about her.

And so I approached her as confidently as I could, straightening my flipped leather jacket and ready to talk her up with my wicked charm.

"Sequins on a pirate hat? Didn't know they were in fashion this season," I smirked, my arms folded as I towered over her.

She spun around, then dropped the hat and her materials immediately when she saw me. Her eyes widened with terror. Despite being only six at the time, I was already the scariest LVK (short for little villain kid) on the Isle, and everyone knew it. She looked terrified of me, so if I wanted to talk to her I supposed I would have to get her to calm down.

"Relax, princess. I don't bite. What's your name?" I asked, taking a seat next to her on the edge of the broken pirate ship.

"Uh, Evie," She stuttered, forcing a smile.

"Daughter of?"

"The Evil Queen."

"Interesting. So why are you messing up a perfectly good pirate hat?" I asked her, snatching it to look at it closely. A small gasp escaped her mouth. Good. This was a test, I needed to see if she was bold enough to handle my gang.

Memories - MevieDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora