Yet there was no mistake about how close the victory was, obtain by only mere seconds of their own flag tank's kill flag coming up just behind the Oarai flag tank. However that was just how the match had been going, fought by two teams who were scrappy in nature, who weren't supposed to be at this stage, but were here because they claw their way by their teams belief in their climb to the top of the Sensha-do mountain.

Now one was going home, the other was going on. Besides the punch that had made many angry on both sides, the American allies had put on a great show for rookies who never fought in Sensha-do. Making many wonder if other nations around the world would soon start their own Sensha-do teams to compete in Japan, which would be welcome, but only if they could conduct themselves properly.

Though there was no denying the bitterness that would hang over the American tankers for some time for their actions of one of their members now known as a Nishizumi, which hopefully time could heal, as the future of Sensha-do seem to be taking great strides for the future that everyone was excited for.

The battle was now over, and for many on both sides, there was a time to react to their team's fate, happy or sad, their time to process was now.


Yukari Akiyama's father, Jungorou Akiyama slowly sat back down on the bleacher seat. His face showed undeniable anguish that was matched by the fans of Oarai that surrounded him. Though there were some casual fans as well praising Chi-Ha-Tan's victory, only adding to the agony of this proud father who had just witnessed his daughter's team lose after such a long and arduous fight.

As any supportive father, Jungorou took the lost personally. It was his 'little bear' who had fought so hard to get to this point, that it seem unfair that now it was all over. Yukari had grown so happy in her short time of doing tankery, happier than she ever was growing up and dealing with the loneliness because of her obsession with tanks that cause her to be unable to make friends. A part of Jungorou wonder if she might regress in her progress with this lost, knowing that everything was over.

Clasping his hands together, he pray to a higher power, thankful that his daughter was safe as well as the rest of the Oarai, the American ally team, and also the Chi-Ha-Tan team. A prayer also went up too from Jungorou that his daughter would somehow stay this happy, to never fall back into that pit of despair ever again. He also ask for forgiveness, to look past his sin as father that never truly accepted his daughter's passion for something she love. That now going forward, he would always be by her side, helping her nurture her love that might become her career someday.

Nothing would make him happier in life, than for that to happen.

A sudden feel of a soft warm hand on his shoulder, brought Jungorou from his prayers, to take in the sight of his wife, the love of his life, his best friend, and his constant support. She had taken a seat next to him, with a prideful smile at her husband.

"Dear, let us not fret over results shall we? Our little bear has fought so hard, that when we see her next, she needs to know how proud we are. Show her that she can hold her head high for all the greatness she has display to this point," Yoshiko Akiyama said in a tender tone that made her husband's heart feel at ease.

"Yes honey, we need to show her how proud we...we...we," Jungorou try to say, but lower his head, using one hand to push his glasses up some, as tears fell from his face that he try to cover with his hand now. His heart taking the loss just as hard as the Oarai girls were.

Looking at her husband, Yoshiko just smile. Even though small tears were threatening to come out from her as well. She wasn't one to shed tears, but she knew Jungorou was a big softie. It had been that way since they were kids, when he would always stand up to any bullies going after his friends. Tears would always be in his eyes, but was always determine to protect those he care about it.

The Tigers of Chi-Ha-Tan ReRise Volume 3: The Tigresses TrialWhere stories live. Discover now