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I'm going to tell you the story of the worst day of my life. I'm Elsa Arendelle, Crown Princess of Arendelle. I'm the heir to my throne. The first eight years of my life were the best I could've asked for. I was a princess, my parents loved me, I had the sweetest little sister ever. Not to mention the fact that I had powers over ice and snow. Life was great. Until one day, everything changed.

It had started out normal enough with my little sister, Anna, and me playing enchanted forest in our bedroom after dinner. It's a game, where I would make figurines made of snow and Anna would move them around as if to tell a story. I made pixies, fairies, elves, and even dragons.

When it was time for bed, Mama, and Papa came in and sat us down on my bed to tell us a story about an enchanted forest. Papa told us about the four spirits of nature. The wind spirit, the water spirit, the earth spirit, and the fire spirit. He told us about the Northouldra Tribe, and how they lived in peace with the spirits.

He told us how we were going to have a peace treaty with them a long time ago. He said that his father had gifted them with a dam to make them stronger. He said that they had left their guard down, and then, a fight broke out.

Papa said that in all the chaos, he was knocked out, and all he remembered, was a voice. She was singing, and brought him to safety. He said that he didn't know who it was. He never found out. He said that that night, he came back, not as Prince, but as King of Arendelle.

After he left, Mama sung Anna and me a lullaby her mother used to sing her. It was about a river called Ahtohallan that supposedly knew the answers to the questions of the past.

I don't remember falling asleep, but the next thing I knew, Anna was waking me up.

"Elsa. Psst. Elsa!"

I didn't open my eyes, so Anna climbed onto my bed, sat on me and bounced. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up."

I could tell it was still dark out, so with my eyes still closed, I say, "Anna, go back to sleep."

Anna rolls on her back and lied on top of me.

"I just can't," she said dramatically. "The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play."

"Go play by yourself," I reply, shoving her off my bed, and onto the floor.

Anna not wanting to be defeated hopped back on the bed and lifted one of my eyelids.

"Do you want to build a snowman?" She asked cheekily.

She had me. I smiled, and got out of bed, slipping on my slippers. Then we went downstairs to play.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on," Anna said excitedly.

"Shh!" I shushed her, so we don't wake our parents.

We snuck into the ballroom and I shut the door, we started laughing as Anna pulled me towards the middle of the empty room.

"Do the magic! Do the magic!" She said excitedly.

I started waving my hands together and suddenly snowflakes appeared, forming a snowball.

"Ready?" I had asked, already knowing her answer.

"Yeah," Anna nodded.

I threw the snowball into the air and it bursted out creating flakes around the room.

"This is amazing!" Anna shouted, running around in excitement.

"Watch this!" I told her.

I stomped my foot and suddenly a layer of ice coated the floor, Anna slid off, laughing, then we made build a snowman. After we finish building him, I moved his stick arms around.

"Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs," I had said, making my voice deeper to make it sound like it's him talking.

Anna rushed over and hugged him. "I love you, Olaf."

Then, using my power, I helped Anna and Olaf slide across the dance floor as if they were dancing. Then we slid down snow hills together.

"Tickle bumps!" Anna squealed, jumping off the snow peaks. "Alright. Catch me!"

I made another snow peak to catch Anna.



I made another peak to catch Anna as she jumped. She had started to speed up.

"Wait!" I shouted, but she didn't hear me.

Anna kept jumping and I quickly tried to make peaks to catch her.

"Slow down!" I yelled again.

Suddenly I slipped on the icy floor. As I sit up, I see Anna about to jump again.


I quickly used her power to try to catch her as she jumped, but it accidentally struck her head and Anna fell down, unconscious.

I had cried for my parents, and after they saw Anna, they took us to the trolls, who helped Anna, but removed all her memories of my powers.

Grand Pabbie told us that fear was my enemy, and that I had to learn to control my powers or they'll turn against me.

After that, everything changed. My parents reduced the staff, closed the gates, and I had to limit my contact with people, and keep my powers hidden from everyone. Including Anna.

A/N: Here's the start of my Jelsa story. Enjoy. Please comment. It makes my day. Stay safe.

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