An Accident on the Quidditch Pitch (Draco Malfoy)

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for Ellie, u horny bitch feel better🤍🤍

Enemies! Draco x afab reader

Word Count: 5.4k

Warnings: !!American trying to write British vernacular!!, enemies to lovers, injuries, Dacryphilia(?), fingering, oral ( M receiving ), unprotected sex, language, Draco being Draco, SweetDraco, SoftDom!Draco, Shy!Draco, slut shaming, praise kink,

"Y/N, you have to eat something," Luna said quietly. You were too nervous, you couldn't eat. You just kept staring at the Slytherin table. There he was, the boy that annoyed you the most in the entire world, the boy who caused instant headaches, the only person that you'd rather sprint the other way than interact with any more than necessary.

Draco Malfoy.

And you were about to face him on the Quidditch Pitch.

Ravenclaw and Slytherin were about to play the first match of the year. Everyone was excited, the winds weren't too bad today, it was sunny, and the chilly weather hadn't set in yet. It was the perfect day for Quidditch. Yo. batched in skill, the only difference is that Malfoy has always been able to able to afford better equipment, and this year you'd heard his father had bought him the new Firebolt. Your old Comet 290 didn't have a shot.

"Luna, I know you're right but I simply cannot stomach a single thing. I'll eat after the match," You give your best friend a weak smile. She knows all about your and Malfoy's relationship and your concerns about today.

"Y/N, this rivalry between you and Draco is stupid. He isn't worth the space in your head." She whispers sincerely. Luna has always been a calm, soothing presence in your life but today it just grates on your nerves.

"Ugh. I know you always say that and I'm sure you're probably right but it seems like more than a sports rivalry, I truly, deeply, despise that boy," You whisper back, "I'm going on a walk before the match, I'll see you after." You grumble and sigh as you get up from the long dining table in the Great Hall and exit.

As you walk towards the stairs up towards Ravenclaw tower you hear the double doors open and a loud group exits, you hear them snickering and joking with each other, talking about the impending match.

"Oi, (Y/L/N), you'd better watch out on the Pitch. We aren't fucking around this year!" Vincent Crabbe yells after you.

You ignore him and as you start up the stairs you hear Professor McGonagal's clear voice, "Mr. Crabbe! I certainly hope that wasn't you using that vulgar language," The conversation fades from eyeshot as you hurry up the stairs.

Once you've passed through the common room and are in your dormitory room you brush and rebraid your hair about ten times, it just will not lay right. Grumbling and giving up on your hair,  you stand up and grab your broom and gloves. You decided to walk down to the pitch and try to calm your nerves.

The game was going great, Ravenclaw was up 120 to 60 and no one had seen the snitch yet. You felt good, determined to win. To see the look on Malfoy's face when you beat Slytherin.

You were hovering near the stands trying to watch everywhere at once. Just then, you saw Malfoy dart straight towards the ground, you see the snitch a few feet in front of him. They're about halfway across the field and Malfoy is gaining on the snitch, that new broom really was fast.

You knew you'd never make it over to the other side of the field in time but you had to try. You urged your broom forward and down, hoping gravity would help. When you were about 20 feet from Malfoy, the snitch suddenly darted straight up into the air and came hurtling towards you. Just as you were evening out your broom and thinking you may be able to reach the snitch a bludger barrels into you, as you tried to right yourself from the impact something even bigger and heavier collides with you, sending you flying off of your broom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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