Chapter 1: Unexpected Things

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          June 10, 2022 at 6:30am when I was walking toward my new school. Every single step of my feet are feeling really nervous for the first day of Face to Face Classes, "Don't be so nervous Danica, you already expected this. okay?" I talked to myself. I really expecting 100% that most of the people will hate me in my new school because of my weird actions. My weird actions do not mean anything, it's just normal for me I guess...

          At 6:50am I entered the door of my classroom, I see all the students and a teacher looking at me from my head to feet, they probably judging me. "Danica, don't be nervous, act normal please." I thought. My adviser tell me to introduce myself, "G- Good morning classmates, My name is Maria Danica B. Mauleon but you can call me Danica." I introduced. After I introduce, a man my age entered the room wearing a headphones and a hoodie. Our Adviser told him to stand up and introduce himself, but he still didn't stand up and act like he doesn't heard anything, "I hate this guy, but he seems interesting.." I said it quietly. Our teacher told me that I can take my seat. "Ma'am Can I sit next to that guy?" I pointed Thomas. Thomas look at me and rolled his eyes, I smirked. "Sure, Danica you can take that seat" My adviser agreed and I walked towards to Thomas and Put my bag on the side of my chair and look at his eyes while I was sitting next to him. I see his eyes with tiny tears and his eye brows looking mad... "Hi Thomas, my name is Danica" I introduce to him and ask for a shake hand. Obviously He ignored me. "You know Thomas, I'm the type of a girl making a first move but getting ignored." I told him with chuckles. Ofcourse He ignored me again?! I don't get the point why people are avoiding me.

          12:00nn I was sitting in the cafeteria of the school having a delicious meal, I saw Thomas walking wearing his hoodie with his headphones on and holding a tray of meal. I heard some gossip. I ignored him and eat my lunch. 12:50pm all the people are entering their classroom but i don't feel like going to class right now. I looked around the cafeteria and see no one, "Aaah, feel so comfortable" I stretched my arms. "boo!" someone push me at the back. "aaaaaaa! who are you?!" I told the guy and get a plastic knife. "It's me Thomas, Danica right?" He remove his mask and he take off his hoodie. Oh my f*cking gosh is this real?! "uhh Thomas why are you still holding your meal?" I told him. He told me  that "I'm holding this since 12nn because I want to eat with you, but sadly you didn't wait me." "but don't worry I will not get mad at you if you wait me until I finish this up??" He said. "uhm sure Thomas, I'll wait you since I planned to not take afternoon class now" I said smiling. I'm happy because finally someone I can talk with, and it's Thomas?! the guy who seems so cool! 

          2:30pm this f*cking Thomas still not done eating?! "hey Thomas, when will you finish up your food? do you have plan to take afternoon class?" I asked. "Nah, I don't have any plans to take that class, and I will not finish this food if you didn't talk to me normally" He said with a smirk and chuckles. Oh my gosh Thomas what is his problem? when we're was in class he didn't even talk to me and now is he flirting? "uh ok?" "what do you want to talk about?" I said. "maybe the usual topics of friends?" he said. "I don't know about those topics since I never had a True Friend Lol" I told him and we both laugh. "What? are you serious?" He asked. "Yes I'am. you're actually the only one who talked to me back, Isn't it funny" I said. I didn't notice he already finish his food, "So? you're done eating right? what we will do now?" I told him. "Let's sleep in cafeteria's table! it would be fun!" He told me with smile. I agreed since I don't have plan to go anywhere. He is now looking for an empty clean table, when the time he saw one she called me "hey, Nica!" He shouted. "Nica? who's Nica?" I asked "Starting today I will call you Nica okay?"
I didn't answered. I ran toward him "Nica, go take a nap here" he said while pointing to the table he saw. "Okayy" I go to the table, when I was lying down he did too. "Hey this one table isn't fit for us, go find one more" I said. "It is fit, perfectly fit." he said.

          I woke up, it's dark?!! I saw a reflection of a light from a flashlight. Is it the guard?! Oh no we're dead. I pointed Thomas many times rushing, "Hey Thomas, shhh there is the guard we need to hide" I murmur. He stands up and take my hand until we find a hiding spot. We ran into classrooms but it's all locked until we find one room isn't locked. We go inside of that room and noticed we're in the school's comfort room?! (Cr). "It's stinks here at the men's Comfort Room Thomas, or you just fart? eeeww" I bullied him. "hell no shut up Nica, you're so noisy" He said in murmur. We laugh silently. I didn't notice that it was a nice day with him. "I'm happy to meet you Nica, I hope I made your day beautifully" He smiled with blush. "It seems so awkward since we're in a men's comfort room but I'm happy to meet you" I said. (Knock! Knock! Knock!) Me and Thomas was shocked. "Hey what will we do?! for sure, guard have duplicate of keys" I told him. "There, let's get out of there" He pointed to the upper window of the bathroom. He hold my hands and run into the window, he helped me up and after I get out, I heard the guard "hey you! what are you doing here kid?! I will report you to the principal what is your name huh?" the guard asked madly. "u-uh my name is, Nicko, Nicko Villanueva" he said and jump up to the window. we both escape the school and run into the nearest convenience store. "Hey Nica, it's time to treat me an Ice Cream and a donut, I saved you" He winks. "b-but" my shaking voice said. "just kidding, I'll treat you ofcourse" he smiled.

          We we're eating our donuts while he mentioned "is your mom and dad do not worry about you? it's already 10pm its already late" "Nah they are not home, they are only with me if its December" I said. "Why?" He asked, "They are always busy on their own bullsh*t Condo Company" "but I guess I don't need them in most times because they are always fighting when they are home" I said "how about you? where are your parents?" I asked. "uh- uh would you mind to come to my house tomorrow" he invited me. "Maybe, Sure! Let's make our homeworks at your place tomorrow" I said. "You want Ice Cream?" He asked. "No thanks, you can keep your money for tomorrow" I smiled. "but I already bought you one?!" he said. "oh where? its just one, it's yours" I told him. "No this is for you" He said. "O-Oh okay." I said blushing. When I was almost done with my Ice cream He told me that "Can I have the bottom part of the cone pleaseee" He begs. But ofcourse I'll give it, He's the one who bought the Ice Cream.

          It's already too late 12am in the morning. "Hey Thomas, it seems you look tired let's go home?" I said. "Okayy where is your home?" He asked, "It's kinda far, why?" I said. "Nothing, okay see you tomorrow Nica! I have a nice day with you, Take Care!" He said while smiling. "You too! byee see you tomorrow" I said with a smile in my lips.

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