The Storm of Trouble...

Start from the beginning

Hikaru sighed as she saw the boy look around then up at her. Hikaru sat up and rubbed her eyes, then scratched the back of her head.

"I want friends..."the boy said

"Che, if you want friends don't follow around those types of people. Find people who share your likes and'll find them...the people you fit in with."Hikaru replied

"Um...I don't know you..."the boy said

"Sawamura Hikaru...but you can call me Hikaru."Hikaru said

Hikaru then slid off the awning and landed on the ground.  

"What's your name?"Hikaru asked holding out her hand to the boy

"My name is Sato Kurmori. But you can call me Kurmori." The boy replied taking Hikaru's hand

The wind started to blow, as Kurmori smiled at Hikaru.

"Hikaru-Nii, what are you doing out here while classes are going on?"Kurmori asked

"Napping, school boring...but it's the best place to sleep."Hikaru said "Now I've gotta find a new sleeping place....if you see Michiyo Inoue or Alex Grey you didn't see me got it!?"

Kurmori nodded and smiled.

"You got it Hikaru-nii..."Kurmori said

Hikaru stuck her hands in her jacket pocket and walked off.


Souhei Yamazaki looked up from his math assignment and looked out the window. He couldn't help but feel something was wrong..

'Why do I have this nasty feeling?'Souhei wondered

The class ended and Souhei got up and stuck his hands in his pants pocket. He then slowly started walking out of the room.

"Oi, SoSo where are you going?"Alex asked trying to steal lunch from Michiyo's lunchbox.

Michiyo slapped Alex's hand and turned to Souhei.

"Are you going to look for Hikaru?"Michiyo asked

"Guess so."Souhei replied walking out of the classroom

Michiyo turned to Alex and said:

"Shouldn't you be going and looking for Hikaru to?"

Alex pouted as his last attempt for Michiyo's lunch box failed and replied:

"Eh, RuRu and SoSo tell me to stay with you...the two of them probably wanted to talk about something serious..."

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