"And you've marked her."

"Yes. Where are you going with this, dad?"

"You know the history of our family's lineage."

"Yes. Seven hundred years ago the alpha prince married the vampire princess, and by some miracle their copulation produced the first hybrid."

"The historians have been searching records of Gray-star's past appearances, and the most recent of her incarnations she was that ancestor's true mate. She is the reason our family line exists.

"The appearance of Gray-star signifies a balancing that will affect all the world, not just the supernatural, the mundane world as well. She is the connective force between all species." Florian rubbed his forehead and sighed. "Now that she's matured and made herself known, her power is going to attract the powerful of the other supernatural species."

"And? Does this mean there will be a war?"

"Not likely, though twice of her four previous appearances in known history her incarnations were alive at the same time as two of the deadliest species wars known to us, including the one culminating in our hybrid lineage. A third incarnation appeared in a time of peace. We don't know much of her first appearance, or what to expect this time, but as of now there aren't any hints of war.

"Son, you know her purpose is to maintain balance, and I've mentioned this before but it bears repeating because I want you to be prepared for anything. Her wolf is capable of pairing with more than one mate, she is able to bear young with more than one partner, and according to the historians, she was called to do just that in one of her previous incarnations."

Dante stared at his father, not believing what he'd just heard. "What!?"

"The other supernatural species choose their mates, and right now your contemporaries in the vamp and fey circles are mateless, as are a few other shifter species. You may very well find the fey and vampire princes, maybe even a warlock, at the territory boundary laying their claim. That you've already claimed her solidifies the werewolf status, and because you're her true mate, her full power is ensured." Florian cast a glance at his son. "The last time Gray star walked the earth she enabled our lineage of hybrids through her power, but she also begat another powerful werewolf line. The alpha of Blutmond territory in Germany is a direct descendant of her previous incarnation and our hybrid ancestor's sire."

Rage boiled through Dante's veins at the thought of sharing Gaia with anyone. No! His nails lengthened. He wouldn't allow it! Bones cracked. She was his! He growled .

"Son, calm yourself."

"You're telling me I'm going to be sharing my mate!"

"No. I'm telling you her history. The maintenance of balance is more important than your possessiveness. I want you to keep in mind that what was true for her previous incarnations is not a certainty for this present incarnation. In fact, a big difference this time is the number of blessed wolves appearing around the world. During previous incarnations she was either the only blessed wolf, or one of a handful. No one is certain what will transpire, and Gaia is going to have to follow her instincts. How ever way this plays out, she will need your support. Are you strong enough? Is your love for her strong enough? Do you love her enough to support her being who and what she is called to be?"

Dante swallowed. His wolf was yelling 'yes' in his head. Dante the human wanted to roar his anger and frustration to the fates.

"Is mom talking with her about this?"

"Not likely. Your mother works in different circles than I do and I haven't spoken with her about it. She's so excited to plan the luna ceremony and I don't want to take that from her. I'll talk with her about it after."

The rest of the ride was silent, one man processing the information his father had laden him with, the other assessing his son's reactions to the information imparted.

When Florian parked the car, Dante turned to his father and said, "Thank you."

"Son, I know that couldn't have been easy for you to hear, Goddess bless it wasn't easy for me to hear and she's not my mate. But you are going to be facing the unknown and unexpected in supporting your mate, and knowledge of her wolf's past can give you perspective. Come on," Florian clapped Dante's arm, "our ladies are waiting."

Dante nodded and climbed out of the car. He walked beside his father to Michelle's car, opening Gaia's door for her and holding her hand as she stepped out. Shutting the door, he pulled Gaia into his arms, holding her tightly for several moments, relaxing in her scent.

Florian gave his son a knowing look before ushering his mate and Michelle to the restaurant.

Gaia, wondering what brought on this unexpected show of affection, wrapped her arms around his waist, "Dante? Is anything the matter?"

"So long as I have you, everything is perfect." Dante was a little surprised when he realized how deeply he meant the sentiment. No matter what the future wrought, he would face it with her, and support her through anything.

"You have me, Dante, heart and soul."

Dante melted at her words with a sigh. "I missed you."

Gaia giggled, "It was just a twenty minute car ride, but I missed you, too."

He kissed the top of her head, "Did you have a good conversation with our moms?" Still holding his arm around her waist, he led her towards the restaurant.

"Mm, your mother has quite a day planned out for the ceremony," Gaia grimaced.

"I'm sure she does," Dante chuckled, opening the door for her. Once inside he let the maitre'd know their party and they were led to the table where their parents were already seated. He clenched his jaw, but tilted his chin at the perfunctory look his father gave him.

As they waited for the food to be served they engaged in some small talk that gradually expanded into deeper conversation after their meals arrived.

"We've noticed our box at the theatre and passes for the museums have been getting some use these last few months," Arianna said. "Dante isn't usually quite so enamored with cultural attractions, so I assume the change is due to you, Gaia." She carved her food into delicate portions for each bite.

Gaia blushed, swallowing so she could answer, "Um, yes. Our second date was the ballet Swan Lake, actually."

"Gaia appreciates art," Dante added as he lifted his water goblet to his lips. He'd chosen to decline alcohol in solidarity with Gaia, insisting they were both pregnant. "She has some fascinating insights and opinions on various artists and their works."

Michelle smiled, "She gets that from her father. He was a graphic designer, and he was always discussing the merits of different styles of art with her."

Dante smirked, "Did he have a comic book collection, too?" He chuckled at the sheepish expression on Gaia's face.

"He could've opened his own comic book shop with his collection," Michelle snorted.

"If you hadn't sold it," Gaia muttered, then immediately gaped, staring at her mother.

Michelle's face fell, "Sweetheart, I know-"

"Mom, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said, I mean, I know why you had to, I know it wasn't easy bringing me up alone."

After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Dante said, "Speaking of single and overworked parents, Gaia has brought a proposal to me of perhaps building a community center to service the needs of pack children and their families."

Florian's brows rose. "Oh? Let's hear it." He, Arianna and Michelle all turned to Gaia expectantly.

She squirmed and pushed her food around her plate with her fork. "Well, um, I was just thinking it would have really helped my mother if there had been a place I could have gone other than school where I'd get help with homework, or learn things that aren't taught in school, or just not always be alone when my mom was at work."

"Hmm, what do you mean by 'learn things that aren't taught in school'?"

"Um, well, when I was looking up ideas I came across activities like cooking and baking, or specific instruments, or crafts, or different sports other than football and basketball..." Gaia's voice softened, and she huddled into herself as three pairs of eyes stared at her. She had the idea for a central location capable of accommodating a wide variety of activities for people of all ages, but primarily catering to the youth. She had researched the various components and brought a sketch of a proposal to Dante, discussing her thoughts extensively with him. It had been so much easier with all her notes in front of her, cuddling by the fire.

Dante immediately spoke up, "I think the idea for some self-defense courses is sound for children of all ages and abilities, but she also showed me this sport called parkour that I think would be beneficial for children too young to shift."

Florian's gaze shifted to his son. "Parkour? What's that?"

"It's a sport that consists of running, climbing, and jumping on surfaces other than solid ground. There are videos of human kids climbing walls and running along rooftops. During the rogue attack there were several children injured, and two died because they didn't get to the safe den in time. If they'd been able to scramble up a tree and run along the branches, or knew a few defense maneuvers, there may have been no children dead."

Arianna clicked her tongue, shaking her head. "We heard about the children getting caught up in the middle of that. So heartbreaking."

"Flesh it out and let me see the proposal. I'd like to see what you come up with," Florian said.

"I think that's a lovely idea," Michelle's eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled at her daughter. "You're right, something for after school and non-school days would have been a great help, especially when you were younger and we first moved here."

"Oh, absolutely," Arianna agreed, "all parents need all the help they can get, and school can only offer so much during school days. You're stepping into the luna role beautifully, my dear."

"Yeah, she is," Dante planted a kiss on Gaia's temple.

After desserts, Michelle left alone in her own car while Dante and Gaia rode with his parents in their car. Dante grabbed Gaia's small hand, entwining her fingers with his.

"We've been hearing you're handling the pack well, son," Florian said. "What issues have you been putting to rest?"

"The week after you left I had that meeting with Collinsworth and Rogers."

"I still can't believe we didn't know anything about that whole mess," Arianne said.

"How did that go?"

"It took the better part of the day, but I got Rogers to publicly confess and apologize, and they're civil with each other now."

Arianna huffed. "Well, I'd always figured Collinsworth had never mated because he was mean and spiteful and the goddess chose to not gift someone like that with a mate, but now I just feel so sorry for him."

"He wouldn't want your pity," Dante shook his head, "he just want everything to be made right. Because so few people ever knew the truth of the quarrel between them, he's lost a lot of business over the years to Rogers, because Rogers would shamelessly provoke Collinsworth in public in order to capitalize on the image everyone had of the two of them."

"That's the only reason Rogers ever even had business," Gaia said, yawning.

Dante smirked as he watched Gaia's eyes slowly close, even as she fought to keep them open, knowing she'd be asleep before they reached home. He continued his conversation with his parents until they reached the house, where he gently lifted Gaia from the car and carried her up to their room.


They arrived early to Gaia's first wellness check up at the local clinic, knowing there would be paperwork to fill out. In the waiting room she sat on the edge of her seat, arms crossing her chest, her heel bouncing. Dante was in the chair next to her, slouching so his ass was at the edge of the seat, but his head was resting on the back of the chair, his eyes closed and his fingers laced on his stomach.



"Relax, baby."

"Easy for you to say."

Dante rolled his head and opened his eyes to peer at her.

Feeling his eyes on her, Gaia side-eyed him, then turned to look at him directly.

"You're not going to spend the next few months getting your swelling body poked and prodded, and then pushing a baby the size of a watermelon through a hole that's normally the radius of a dime using muscles you can hardly sense."

Dante's brows rose as she ranted. "Mm. Valid point. Still, you should try to relax."

A nurse with a clipboard appeared at the front desk and chatted with the receptionist for a moment before turning to the few people in the waiting room, announcing, "Miller, Gaia."

Gaia and Dante stood and approached the nurse, whose eyes drank in Dante before shooting a tight smile at Gaia. She led them to an examination room where she handed Gaia a small plastic, lidded jar and told her to use the washroom across the hall to give a sample of urine and bring it back to the room.

Her cheeks burning, Gaia ducked into the washroom and filled the jar. She tightened the lid and washed the outside of it as she washed her hands. Then she scurried back to the room where Dante was studying the posters.

She set the jar on the counter and looked around the room. On the walls were posters depicting skeletal and muscle diagrams, different stages of fetal development, and nutrition facts. There were also medical gadgets for blood pressure and checking orifices hardwired into the wall. On the counter were jars of cotton balls and swabs, an alcohol pump, and various reading materials.

The nurse returned and asked Gaia to come back to the hall where she took Gaia's weight and height, then told her to hop up to the exam table. Dante took position beside her to watch everything.

The nurse took Gaia's temperature, blood pressure and pulse. Then she dipped a strip of paper into the urine jar and explained what she was testing the sample for and explained what the colors meant. Then she left the room saying the doctor would be with them soon.

Gaia took a deep, shuddering breath. "This is really happening."

Dante sat beside her and took her hand between his.

"I really thought I'd finish school first. I don't want-"

Dante tilted his head, waiting for her to finish the thought. After a moment he prodded, "You don't want what, baby?"

Gaia sniffled and a tear erupted from her eye. "My parents had me before they went to college. Mom worked two jobs while dad got his degree, and when he graduated and got hired, she quit one job to begin school... but then he died. After nonna died, my mother really struggled to finish school. I didn't get to see her very often, just a few days each week, and a little more often during breaks. I don't want that for my own child. I don't want to struggle like my parents did."

Dante pulled her legs over his own and pulled her to his chest. "Babygirl, we are not going to have the same struggles as your parents had. We just aren't. For one, we're already working our jobs, and we work from home where we can easily parent our children. For another, we already have the means to provide a better life for our children. And I am planning on experiencing this with you every step of the way."

The doctor entered, saying, "Good afternoon luna and alpha," she looked up from the clipboard she was carrying, "Oh, is this a bad time? I can come back."

"No, come on in," Dante said.

"Hormones getting to you already, hm?"

Dante felt Gaia stiffen in his arms, and lifted a brow at the doctor. "I think this is more about clearing the air over some very real concerns my luna has about how she hoped her life would pan out."

"Oh. I see," the doctor flicked her eyes over Gaia, then read the papers on her clipboard, again. "Ahem, well, you are in relatively good health. Your last physical was at the hospital two months ago. While you're pregnant you will be coming in every two weeks until the month before your due date, then once a week until you deliver.

"Your weight is somewhat on the low side for your height, but I see that's normal for you. I do want to have you schedule with a nutritionist to go over your diet and eating habits. We want to ensure you're eating nutritiously dense foods, not junk. We don't want you gaining more than about eight pounds a month, or two pounds per week. How much exercise are you getting? Besides training?"

"Um, I'm not doing any formal exercise. But we take walks together most days," Gaia answered.

Dante explained, "Her wolf emerged early, and she only recently had her first shift. She's a blessed healer and I've determined her gift is too important to waste it in training."

"You should be walking at least two miles every day, and I mean real walking, not just strolling. A treadmill is fine. If you're just starting, you should ease into it. Some form of daily exercise will make labor easier, and walking is the best and easiest form of cardio and weight bearing exercise to take on. Do you drink at least six cups of water daily?"

"I think so."

"You should be sure to get at least that, but increase to twelve cups over the next couple of weeks. What's your sex life like? Is sex ever painful?"

Gaia's eyes widened. "It's never painful."

"Good. So at this time we are assuming you are approximately a week along. We'll confirm that when we do a sonogram next time you're here. When you are about eight weeks you should begin to feel movement and at about ten weeks we should be able to hear a heartbeat. I am estimating your due date to be around the end of May. Do you have any questions for me?"

Dante said, "We're planning to have her luna and pack run ceremony next week, but we're concerned her shifting might harm the baby."

"This early in the pregnancy won't harm the fetus. Most shes aren't aware they're pregnant within the first few weeks, anyway. It's a bit surprising you know this early."

"My heat ended early."

"Ah. Okay." The doctor marked a note in the paperwork. "Do you have any other questions or concerns at this time?"

Gaia and Dante exchanged glances, then both answered, "No."

"Then I will see you in two weeks. Please make an appointment at the front desk, and ask for the nutritionist's info on your way out." The doctor left the room, leaving the door open behind her.

Dante said, "Well, that wasn't painful, but you were right. It wasn't fun."

"I suddenly want a platter of tacos, a pint of ice cream, and guzzle a couple liter's of soda. Just because."

Dante laughed and helped Gaia down from the exam table, then they made their appointment and left the clinic with the information the doctor had left for them. When it looked like Dante was driving them home, Gaia said, "I wasn't joking about the ice cream."

Dante gave her a look, but turned the car around with a sigh. "I could go for some tacos myself."

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