Start from the beginning

"You guys are so cute ,I mean the cutest ,love the way you guys keep praising eachother . "ashi awwed at them with sparkle in her eyes ,before anybody could proceed to tease them ,

rohit seemed uncomfortable , Nobody sensed it I guess ,He diverted the topic ,but dragged me in between ,why am the prey always?

"hey krish ,you can join us too,you have been quite for so long " he said ,I sat beside tanzeel who was busy in looking at radha .Why the hell is he looking at radha?

Dude?hello ? you are not allowed to look at her .Wait,Am I getting jealous ?Why am I getting jealous ?I think I'm really going mad nowadays .

I nudged him ,he looked at me with a boring face,as if I disturbed him from some very important work . "Who are you looking at ?" I asked ,with a smirk .

"and why does that concern you ?" tanz said ,blush clearly visible on his cheeks . 

"You are telling me or should I tell radha that you were looking at her all the time ?" I said ,with victory in my voice .

"No I'm not looking at radha !" he said a bit louder ,a bit ?no everyone in the room were looking at us .Radha had confused written all over her face . ashi quickly stood up and cleared her throat ,That girl saved tanzeel unknowingly or......knowingly . 

"I think its pretty late,we should leave ."she announced ,radha was proud .she is ridiculous .

everyone agreed ,even if tanz insisted them to stay for dinner ,even I did once . but they were all already out of door .

"It was really a fun evening !" jannat squealed ."I'm thankful, you guys made us feel comfortable !" radha said politely .She only talks to me rudely and in a blink she is the sweetest human in the whole world . 

"I hope we all are friends now ?" vaish said .everyone nodded and we said good bye to eachother .

Tanzeel lazily dropped on the couch ,but shouted as soon s he dropped . 

"what the hell dude?" I rushed towards him .

"something like knife stabbed me in the back ,ouuuu!" he jumped off of the sofa . There laid a mobile with a bead handle ,which probably poked his shoulder . 

"whose phone is this ?" he said grabbing it and opened it . IT had a passcode ."See we don't know whose it is ,but it looks like a girls phone case !" I predicted . Tanz was not speaking a word ,he looked surprised and I knew why he was surprised after I peeped in too ,to see my bestfriends picture on the lockscreen . 5-6 girls ,who must be his greatest fan ?

"When Your fan happens to be your friend!" tanz smirked . "Its ashi's!" he said ,smiling like an idiot ,adoring his own pic on the lockscreen."So confident huh ? OH okkk,you were not looking at radha ,it was ashi ,HAHAHA!" I laughed at his embarrassed face . He slaped my arm .

"shut up ,will you ? "he said looking at the phone . "ok ok ,but that doesn't mean I'll leave this topic .but fine ,lets inform her first ."  I said .

"let's call radha then! do you have her number ?" he asked .

"I'm a very right person to ask for radha's number ,great!" he is dumb . 

"lol,ok lets unlock this phone then ! " he said typing random numbers ."what are you trying to do ,you think you can unlock it ?you are not that genius! "I said slapping his head . He didn't budge ,but typed 2112 and boom,the home screen appeared with ashi's pic on it . "HOW?" I looked at him,I underestimated him ,he unlocked a stranger's phone !

"What happens to be on 21st december ?" he asked ,still smiling at the phone ."its your bday! OH,2112! that girl is crazy for you !" I said ,but I was ignored as he dialled radha's number . 

"Hey! its me tanzeel,actually ashi left her phone here ,where are you guys? .....no need We can come ....umm,ok no problem ." he hung up, "they are reaching in 5." he said. 

"hello boys!! Missed me?" mrs.joe greeted us with huge bags in her hands."hello! have a seat senorita!" tanz dragged her to the sofa and then we kept her bags on one side .

"Why you came so late in night?" I asked .

"don't you worry ,you already know everybody in our palace was trained to defend themselves !" she said proudly showing her taekwondo gestures with her hands ."she is brave ,proud of you! " tanz side hugged her .

"Your friends left? I'm so proud you made friends at very first day!" mrs.joe clapped her hands . 

"I am really sorry! " we saw ashi running as if her life depended on her phone ,and radha followed her .

"I am really sorry! " we saw ashi running as if her life depended on her phone ,and radha followed her

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Welcome back !

Here's a chap ,after soooo long . but a double update hehe! 

Se you in the next chap 

Yours writer,


Signing off!!

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