The helpers as they called them as also dropped of a huge basket of toiletries, hair products, perfumes and I wasn't sure what to chose from. I sat the large basket on the kitchen counter and there was a knock at the front door. I wasn't sure who it could be I knew everyone had to be busy getting ready for tonight, and when I opened the door I had no idea who it was. A tall guy with black hair slicked back into a ponytail with black eyes was standing there with his arms crossed.

"Um can I help you?" I questioned.

"I'm here to see Julius." He replied and brushed passed me.

"Excuse you, you can't just walk into someone's home like that." I responded shocked by how rude this guy was.

"This isn't your home." He stated and plopped down on the couch.

"I don't know who the hell you are but if you haven't got the memo this is my damn home, and I think you should leave until Julius comes back." I bit out.

The guy just burst out laughing. "Was that really supposed to intimated me, I mean really I'm shaking with fucking laughter. I came to see Julius and I will just wait to he gets here, I'm his Knight and friend your just someone who was pawned off onto him."

I couldn't believe this guy I didn't know from a whole in the wall was sitting in front of talking to me like I was a piece of trash. Then his words hit me, he was Edison I could see exactly why Julius father didn't like him.

"Oh your Edison, I need to inform Julius to keep his dog on a better leash." I smirked.

In an instant Edison was in front of my face I could feel this weird pressure fill the room, it was this weird energy. I could smell a strong odor of alcohol all over him, it was clear he was drunk as hell but that didn't excuse his behavior.

"You stupid bitch I could kill you right now and Julius would never know, I hate humans even ones pretending to be like us. You are just a piece of property your soul was sold by your own parents even they knew you were worthless. I told Julius he was foolish to take a lowly human as a bride, I will never respect you as my queen watch your back bitch." He spit out with rage evident all over his face.

The air in the room shifted even more and I felt as if my body was being weighed down by a very heavy force.

"Well its a good thing you will not be around then huh, your trash just a heavy weight that drags Julius down. He feel obligated to let you keep riding his coat tails even when he knows your not worth it, your a bully not worthy to be a night." I seethed.

I was so angry I could feel my heart bearing heavily in my ears, I cleaned my fist at my sides trying to keep myself calm. I had really fucked up saying what I said but this guy was an asshole, I had never felt anger like this before in my life.

"You don't get a fucking say I was here before you and I will be here when Julius realize the mistake he made." He bit out.

"The only mistake he made was letting you be his knight, and news flash your days are numbered." I spat.

Edison screamed and shoved me with a lot of force and large amount of wind came with it, my body went sliding across the room. It happened so fast in my body hit the wall hard making a loud cracking sound, and pieces of the wall crumbled to the floor.

Edison was in front of me again and he grab my wrist digging his nails into my skin. "We are going to set the mood a little better."

My heart dropped to my stomach at the room around us dripped away, and we stood a large forest surrounded by trees with black leaves.

"You are out of your fucking mind Julius will never forgive you for this, and if you think I'm going down without a fight your wrong." I replied backing away from him.

"He will never know believe me." He smirked.

Edison was out of his mind it was clear, there was no way in hell I could let him kill me, but I wasn't sure if I was strong enough. I knew that I wasn't going to make it easy there was no way that I could, after all I had been through I couldn't let it end here. I had been betrayed by the people that where supposed to protect me, and out of all that bullshit I got to me Julius. This wasn't the life I had planned for myself but it was mines now, and I wasn't going to let anyone just take it away from me.


Thanks for reading and again this is a rough draft. I know there are grammatical errors in the story. I love writing and editing isn't my strong suit so it takes time. But I don't need  comments with corrections. I literally write when I can and not always on a computer. An urge to write hits and I use my phone etc. Point is I love to write and the rough drafts are all my ideas forming together. They are not the finale product. And in time I hope to get around to that.  I still hope those who read it enjoy nonetheless.

The Demon Kings Mate (Book 1)#wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now