Chapter 6-Things are about to get a little messy

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Chapter 6

Toxic Charmer's P.O.V.

I slammed my fist on the desk, and it cracked a little. I was fuming right now. How did we miss her in school? How did she break Minder's control over Blaze? If anyone is to break his control they end up dying, some people have tried that before.

"How the hell was she able to break the mind control?" My voice echoed throughout the whole room. No one bothered to say a word.

"Maybe she's dead right now," Minder added in a low voice. I doubt that, if anyone is strong enough to break a mind control then they'd die right then and there.

"No, she would have been dead before they left," I replied. This girl is going to be the one to ruin my plans with kidnapping all the superhero's in the world.

"That just means that we have to kidnap her. We should really find out her identity or even try and find something about her that is different from everyone else," Morpher said. That gave me an idea.

"Alright, I have a plan..."

Cece's P.O.V.

Justin is now caught up on everything we know, and he even has a communicator with him in case anything happens.

Right now I was just listening to the news while sitting on the couch. Cory had fallen asleep on the couch while my dad went upstairs to sleep.

I just couldn't find it in me to fall asleep. I was tired, but I had this foreboding feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it wouldn't leave me alone.

"Thorno is destroying the town, challenging just Kitty to come and save it," I heard a news lady said. Oh great! Only Thorno would want to deal with me this late at night.

I carefully got off the couch and headed down to the lair. I stripped of my regular clothes and fixed my superhero clothes from underneath. I placed my mask on my face and then hopped on with Justin on his motorcycle. I still needed a ride, and I was still taking Chiller and Spark with me.


Chiller and Spark stayed in the dark in case I needed their help. I ran to the middle of town, where I know Thorno will be waiting for me.

Cory's P.O.V.

I was woken by a loud banging sound. I jumped off the couch and quickly looked around for the danger. The TV was left on and it was showing the news.

It showed Kitty fighting that plant guy. I yawned before looking around for Cece. I swear I thought she was on the couch when I fell asleep.

I quickly checked her room. Wanting to give my little sister a good night kiss on the forehead, and make sure she's ok before I go to my room.

I walked into her room to see her bed empty. Her bathroom was opened, but the light wasn't turned on. Cece wasn't anywhere else in the house, and I was beginning to panic.

"Dad! Do you know where Cece is?" I asked my dad while walking right into his room. He was reading a book on his bed, and his lamp was turned on.

"No, wasn't she downstairs with you?" My dad asked while putting his book on the bed.

"Not when I woke up, and she's not anywhere else in the house," I said while starting to panic. I've got no idea where she would be. She doesn't have any friends, I never see her hang around anyone.

We both ran out of his room and started looking downstairs and all around the house. We looked for about ten minutes while the TV was still on. It was the only TV that was on in this house.

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