Chapter 4-Staying in the clear

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Chapter 4

Markus' P.O.V.

Dang it! I can't believe I'm actually running from girls, well, more like sluts. I actually thought my good looks would be a good thing, and it only ended up attracting sluts.

I turned on the light once I heard the girls footsteps go away. I jumped back in shock when I turned around and saw a girl already in here.

I then took a look at the girl, she actually was quite pretty. She had straight long brown hair that looked silky from where I was standing. She also had blue eyes with swirls of gray in them, looking straight at me.

"You're not drooling over how hot I am?" I asked her, quite surprised. Her eyes widened and then a new wave of confidence flowed off her.

"I'm not drooling because there's nothing to look at," She replied back in a smartass tone. Feisty, and for the first time, a girl is not drooling over me. Let's see if I can change her mind.

"Ouch, babe, that hurts," I said while placing my hand over my heart. Yes, a villain like me can still have a heart.

She shrugged me off like I was just no big deal. Every single girl I've met in this school has drooled over how hot I am or how much I look like a god. I then thought of another way with how I can get her to be like the rest of the girls.

I pulled my t-shrit off, all the girls drool over my muscular chest and lovely eight pack. I wanted to see how this girl would act around me now.

Her eyes were wide, but she still continued to stare my face. Shouldn't she be staring at my chest? Or even my eight pack? All the girls do! Yet she's staring at my face!

"See something you like?" I asked her while crossing my arms over my chest. She finally registered something and got out of her shock state.

Her eyes went from a shocked expression to a bored expression with the snap of my fingers. No girl has ever been bored with my body. A smirk appeared on her face while she looked me in the eye.

"Get over yourself and your big ego. There is nothing I see in you that is worth my time, and there's no way I'd ever be interested in you," She said in my face. The bell then rang and she happily went around me to the door. I stood in my spot, stunned.

No girl has ever said that to my face, and I'm going to enjoy this. It's always the one girl that doesn't fall for you at first, that falls for you in the end.

Cecelia's P.O.V.

"Tyler, how was the fight?" I asked Tyler into the communicator. I wanted to know if he was ok or not. With Spark captured it's only me and Tyler left as superhero's.

"The fight was easy, but I want to know who's ego you just burned? That guy seemed pretty confident," Tyler said with excitement in his voice.

Oh yea, I forgot to turn off the communicators while I was talking to Markus, so Tyler heard everything loud and clear from his end.

"Um... he's the new kid, Markus," I said in a whisper. I didn't want anyone else hearing me, and I didn't want Tyler to freak out with what I would tell him next.

"What's up? Something must be wrong if you're talking like that," Tyler asked me in a scared voice. I wouldn't blame him though. I sucked in my breath and just said it.

"We've already met Markus before, more like fought him," I whispered.

"You mean Markus is Minder!" Tyler yelled. Ugh! I groaned once I reached my locker to switch my tapes for class, can't use books since I'm blind.

"You're close," I replied. I was having some trouble with getting my stupid combination in. I could always just put my combination in my way.

"So, Toxic Charmer wants Kitty, and now Markus wants Cece?" Tyler asked me. If that's what I'm thinking, then yup.

Markus' P.O.V.

After that girl left, I put my shirt back on and ran around the school trying to look for my best friend. I ran into him and he had no such luck finding Kitty.

"So, did you have any luck finding her?" Zach asked me.

"No, I got chased by one of those sluts and ended up in the janitors closet with a girl I never saw before," I informed Zach.

"I'm glad you got away from her," Zach said. I stared at him in shock, that girl actually left me.

"She actually got away from me, and my muscles didn't effect her one bit. She even had a bored expression on her face when I took my shirt off," I told my best friend.

This was news to him. Every single girl drools or shows some kind of affection in their eyes once they see either one of our muscles.

Zach had a shocked expression on while I noticed straight brown hair walk right past me. Her hair was shining in the sun light, making her hair look even more beautiful. I'm a guy, I like my woman hot.

"I'll show you," I said to Zach while pulling him over towards. I looked at her fingers weirdly when they wrapped around the white numbers instead of the black little handle.

She just stared at her locker while she put her combination in. She got a little frustrated that her locker wouldn't open. I have to say, she looked hot when she got mad.

She placed her ear against her locker and then worked on getting her locker open. She smiled and then opened her locker while me and Zach continued to walk up to her.

Cecelia's P.O.V.

You ever hear that saying, 'speak of the devil and he shall appear'? Yea, well that's what happened right here, and I left Tyler on the communicator again.

"I never quite did catch your name," Markus said. I could fell him walking over to me, I could also feel someone else next to him.

"That's because I never bothered to tell you," I replied back. I also grabbed my lunch, just so I would have something to eat next period.

"Well are you going to tell me?" Markus asked me. I snorted, like I would actually tell Markus, the one that wants to kidnap me, my name.

"Sorry Marky, I can't," I said while turning around. I looked up, hopefully towards him, and just shrugged innocently. The bell then rung again, meaning we had one minute to get to class.

"Wow, that's twice I've been saved by the bell," I said while walking past Markus and whoever the other kid was. Hopefully Markus will stay away from me now.

"Cece, we've got a little problem, and you might want to come check this out," Tyler said while sounding terrified. I was about to respond until I heard the voice.

"Good to see you again Chiller, long time no see," That's all I heard before I lost the connection with Chiller.

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