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"so how'd ya like tommyinnit?" toby asks

currently, we're sprawled on my bed waiting for dinner to be made.

i tap my fingers on the mattress, "he was funny."

"tommyinnit is my lord and savior" he states solemnly

i grin, "i'm telling him you said that"

"he knows."

suddenly my phone dings shut its an unknown number

unknown number

is this queen elizabeth?

i wish bruv

too bad



oh good was hoping you weren't a rando

i smile at my phone, and toby raises an eyebrow

"oh did he text you?" he asks

i drop my jaw, "toby you did not. what if i thought he was an annoying bitch?"

"well then he'd be an annoying bitch with your phone number." he winks

i laugh "i hate you."

toby grins nudging my arm, "you don't seem to hate tommyinnit"

"TOBY JAMES SMITH" i gasp, "what are you insinuating?"

he stands up, "i think your in loooveeee" he sings as he runs out of the room

"I SWEAR-" i jump up and run after him as he screams like a little girl

our chase continues a few laps around the house until our mother yells, "TOBY AND NATALIE SMITH SIT AT THE TABLE FOR DINNER AND STOP RUNNING AROUND LIKE BLOODY IDIOTS."

we skid to a stop, "sorry mum" we say in unison.

a few hours later

incoming call: tommyinnit

tommyinnits calling me? im a little confused, but i pick up anyways.

"natalie i've got a problem" he says

"you've got many we know."

he gasps "HEY WHAT THE FUCK I-"

i smile and interrupt, "what's up tommy?"

"i'm bored."

i roll my eyes and lay down on my bed, "you really called me for that?"

the facetime request rolls across the screen and i accept it.

he's sitting at his desk, slouched in his chair with a coke in hand, "yes i did. what's your favorite movie?"

i walk over to my own desk, "what?" i ask, propping my phone up against the computer and bringing my knees to my chest

"toby is like, my best friend. your his twin. we should be friends. what's your favorite movie?" he asks again, grinning

"easy, the parent trap. favorite color?"

"red, do you do any sports or instruments or anything?"

i pause, i honestly don't know what to tell him. for some reason i trust tommy- a fair amount. but i don't think i can tell him about everything yet.

"yeah, i used to dance actually" i say, uncertainty creeping into my voice

he furrows his brows, "used to?"

i shift in my seat, "it was just a bit much, you know?"

he hums in acknowledgement, "what's your favorite food?"

i push back my hair away from my face, "i'm vegan so like any fruit."

his jaw drops, "YOURE A VEGAN?!"

i laugh, "yes tommy, we exist."

he goes on a lengthy rant about veganism, but the entire time i am laughing until i can't breathe.

we go back in forth for what must be an hour, until suddenly i cant control the yawns coming from my body.

"natalie?" he asks

i yawn again, "mm?"

"you should go to sleep. thanks for letting me take up your night" he says softly

i flop onto my bed, "no you didn't, it was nice. but don't expect me not to beat your ass in minecraft, because i will."

he chuckles softly, "night woman" and hangs up with a click.

i lie in bed for a few moments, thoughts of my day swirling around. it was nice getting to know tommy, it felt very right.

i think he might not be so bad. y'know, for some random streamer boy.

632 words

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