First Sighting

7 2 11

My dad asks me to wash the dishes with Ashley. Or else he'll kick our asses.

I go up to the room I share with Ash, and wake her up from her soundful nap. Ashley groans in annoyance. "You can't sleep through the entire day, you little shit. And plus, dad'll kick our asses. You know how he acts now that mom died." I say.

Ash rolls out out bed, her brown hair extremely messy. "You wash the dishes, nippleface."

"Dad won't take you to the Art Legends tournament."

"Drawing is laame, anyway."

I fight back an urge in my head to say 'YOUR LAME, BI--' but I stopped in my head.

I open the door and walk down the stairs and head right to the kitchen.


I'm washing a "Number #1 Mum!!!" mug. Mom.. I still remember that Sunday afternoon where I found her mutilated body..

I look out the window and sigh. Why do I have to go through this? I'm like, 12.

Then I notice something. Someone.

A tall man, half his body covered by a tree in the vast forest near my neighbourhood, stares me down.

At least I think he is.

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