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A/N Bold means that's her thoughts and italic means the song that is playing or its a sound and bold + italic is an authors note.

"Class please have your 3 page essay ready for class tomorrow..." Mrs. Lynch dragged on. Back at school they all thought i was an outcast car crash, hopeless fool they said to me, My headphones blasted in my ears drowning out the English teacher. I look throughout the room observing the kids I became stuck with this semester. All nerds and worthless jocks that would never notice I even existed. I had a crush on this one jock for the longest time but he turned into a douche. I tried talking to him but he doesn't even know my name or my face anymore. He thinks my name is Arnold. Great right? Wrong.
Nobody even knows I exist except my parents. Lets just say I'm that girl that is forced to sit in the corner of the classroom blasting her music so she can't hear the insults. I'm just a normal 17 year old girl with a nose piercing. I have bleach blonde hair and blue eyes. Classic white girl. I dress in mostly all black when I go to school. I'm not perfect and I'm not a girly girl. I despise the color pink and other girly things. But my girlyness really shows when it comes to boy bands. I love Black Veil Brides and Pierce the Veil. Andy Biersack is my life. Actually I haven't even told you my name yet. My name is Emerald. Emerald Hayden. Like I said earlier I'm 17 and living in Los Angeles, California . Worst place on the planet to live. Everyone ignores you. "Class is dismissed, Miss Hayden." Mrs. Lynch says sending me a death glare. I look around the room to find out I'm the only one left in the room but her. "Oh I'm sorry. Ill go." I grab my bag and rush put of the room. I start walking down the hall towards my locker. 16-32-28 click. I put my bookbag away and put my headphones up. I have music class next. "Hey Emmy!" I hear a familiar voice call. I spin around to find my best friend. "Hey Mali!" I exclaim hugging the brunette. "Sleepover my house Saturday. Calum is supposed to be out with his buddies all weekend so we can do whatever we want." She says. "That sounds perfect." Only one person understood me and that was Mali-Koa Hood." My bestest friend in the world. I love her so much. "Hey I need to go. Mr. Burke will kill me if I'm late." I say hugging her then running down the hall towards my class. But before i get to the door i run into someone. "Ow." I look up to see the hottest blonde boy ever.

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