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Nyctophobia. Hmmmmm never heard of it! It's actually preTTy common in kids. Felix is a vampire who has nyctophobia. Though... he's not so sure of it himself you know WHY??? Because "Therapy? What's therapy? Who's a therapist? Never heard of that batshit lol". Felix is just starting university and is moving to his new dorm. But oh? What's this? This isn't your classic "The door was unlocked. I stepped in and saw this hot motherf"- NOPE.  The door is locked.

And that's all I have to say. Adios!~

have mercy on me note: I've started writing the 1st chapter in one of my notebooks already but I dont think I'll be able to post it between 20th July and April 1st since my pre mid exams are starting. I have a test tomorrow on a 30 page lesson and I haven't even started studying lol.

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