Chapter 7

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my oh my isnt this a sight for sore eyes. i know its been a while since i last updated this, BUT I PROMISE I HAVE A GOOD REASON DW! lotta life stuff goin on, including me making plans for moving out of the house ive been living in my entire life! so needless to say, the updates are gonna get worse before they get better. BUT. this does not mean that i will be stopping, quite the contrary! i love writing, even if im still not exactly the best at it, and i especially love actually having a creative outlet that other people are able to enjoy. alright alright, rant over, lets just get into the gayness already, shall we?

Anne insisted on keeping where we were going a secret from both of us, just giving Sasha an address and sly looks and smirks. Sasha seemed very confused when she was told this, but did end up complying with their demands. It is her birthday after all, but something tells me Sasha would have done this on any day.

Me and Anne sat in the back once again so we could still talk on the way to wherever the hell we were going. Like with Sasha, Anne kept looking at me with this mischievous look on her face, like she had this sinister plan cooked up in her head. It was a little creepy, but also cute in a way.

Multiple times I asked where we were going and what we were doing, but every time I did they simply replied, "Just wait and see!" Always adding a wink on at the end as well, which made my heart flutter just as much the first time as it did the seventh.

The address she gave was about 30 minutes away from the apartment, but it felt like only 5. I was so absorbed in the things that Anne and Sasha were saying that the time wasn't flying, it was blasting away.

We talked about a massive variety of things, like our experiences in our work; the past; our time in amphibia, naturally; advanced schooling, although I didn't have much to add to that conversation. We talked about anything and everything that we could think of. I mostly just liked hearing them talk, but seeing that both of them were genuinely interested in the things I had to say made my heart soar.

We quickly arrived at our destination, much to my dismay. Me and Anne were watching a video Sasha had told us about and were laughing like there was nobody else around to hear us.

When I looked up from their phone, I realized there actually wasn't anybody else around. In fact, the place Sasha had brought us to was pretty barren, simply a large parking lot in the middle of a bunch of empty buildings, save for one smoke shop with a closed sign on the front.

I gave a concerned look to Sasha through the rear-view mirror, to which she simply responded with a shrug and an equally bewildered face. I turned back to Anne, who was now rubbing her hands together in a very "villain from a kids movie plotting" kind of way.

I gave them a gentle tap on the shoulder and asked, "Hey Anna-Banana, are you sure you gave Sasha the right address? There's not really anything here..." Anne's eyes snapped to mine, and she slowly turned her head to say, "Oh no, there was no mistake, this is exactly where we need to be." Her smirk grew as they finished the sentence, and I was surprised by how nervous this was making me.

Unprompted, they opened their car door and started towards the road we had just come down. I looked to Sasha again, which was met with simply another shrug. Me and Sasha both stepped out of the car and jogged to catch up to where she was, which was surprisingly far considering she hadn't even been walking long.

When we got to their side, Sasha was the first to ask, "Soooo, where are we going exactly? This road does go further, we could've just driven." Anne laughed and replied with a smile, "No way, that would ruin the surprise! Trust me, you'll figure it out soon enough."

Once again, that same smirk was plastered on her face. I didn't know Anne had it in her to be this... menacing. "Is it somewhere we would know? Like, have we been to this place before?" Anne nodded and played with the scrunchie on her wrist. "Oh yeah, you both know it veeery well."

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