Chapter 26 ~ The Party

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Liv's POV:

I arrived at the party around 9PM. Alexa and Bianca were waiting for me at the front door. Alexa's house was huge, and it was beautiful. They took me to the drinks and got me a Sprite. They knew I'd be going back to Rhea, so they didn't try to give me any alcohol. But, they definitely drank it for me.

The party was pretty fun. I didn't know many of the people there, but I knew most of their names. I still had a good time, until it came to spin the bottle.

I decided to sit out, even though everyone begged me to play. I watched as Bianca spun the bottle and it landed on her crush Montez. She kissed him, and she blushed a bit after. Next was Alexa, and she landed on a kid named Seth. She refused it at first, but gave in and kissed him. It made that boys whole year! After her, it was a girl named Sasha. She spun the bottle and it landed on another girl named Bayley, who was her best friend. They kissed as if it happened all the time between them, which it probably did. Everybody suspected them of dating.

Just as the next girl Becky was about to spin, I got pulled out of the room. A really strong man carried me upstairs. I tried everything I could to get out of his grasp, but he wouldn't let go until he got me on a bed. When I got placed down, I realized it was the most popular senior boy in our class, Roman Reigns.

"Roman, what're you doing?" I asked frightfully.
"So you know my name?" He asked before he started kissing me.
"Stop," I mumbled between his kisses.

He wouldn't stop no matter what I did. He continued to kiss me, on my lips, my cheeks and my neck. I tried to push him off, but he was too strong. Eventually, he sat overtop of me and started to unbuckle his belt.

"Roman, you need to stop," I begged him.
"Now why would I do that? It's a party, it's supposed to be fun!" He exclaimed.
"Well this isn't fun for me," I answered.
"You're ruining the whole mood," he stated as he took his belt off.
"There was no mood. You need to get off of me," I told him.
"Or what?" He asked.
"I'll tell the whole school about this," I threatened him.

That didn't stop him. He went to unbutton my jeans, but then a voice stopped him.

"Hey man, the girl said to get off of her. Just do it," a familiar voice stated.
"Man, why does everybody gotta ruin everything around here," Roman scoffed.
"Get off the girl or I'll hurt you," the voice stated.
"Come on, hurt me then. Bet you can't," Roman answered.

I watched as a hand came over and punched Roman right in his face. When I looked up from Roman, the voice I had recognized was the person I thought it was. Finn.

Unexpected Love (Liv Morgan x Rhea Ripley)Where stories live. Discover now