Foxy pov
Wolfo ears perked up "HEY!! WE BROKE UP REMEMBER SO THERE NOT MY KIDS ANYMORE!!" "Wolfo shut up! And freaking eat!!" Me and wolfo looked at each other mean "whatever slut!" I rolled my eyes and I looked back at tord "foxy... please go back into your room I don't want to hear you" edd said. "!!! SHUT UP!!! ATLEAST IM NOT THE ONE WHO KEEP FUCKING UP ON STUFF!!" I was mad "FOXY JUST GO TO YOUR ROOM!!" Matt finally snapped "SHUT THE FUCK UP!! YOUR NOT MY MOM OR DAD!!" "IS THAT WHY YOUR DAD AND MOM LEFT YOU!!" I growled and started to cry. "It's your fault.... it's your fault... ITS YOUR FAULT!! YOUR DAD SHOT MY DAD!! AND YOUR MOM KILLED MY MOM!!" Everyone was shocked and looked at matt. I grabbed my kids. "And wolfo... I hope I don't see you again bc I'm moving back with tom..." wolfo almost choked on he's food. "YOU CANT JU-" "YES I CAN!!" I walked out. Tord went back into the room and texted tom. I was to mad to return to them. I know tom hurted me and tord but... he's the only one I have left in the family. I walked to he's place. He saw me, I hugged him and cried. The kids were confused. Tom left me inside and I went into my room with my kids. The wolfo and dog mix twins weren't mine but wolfo didn't care for them so I took them.

Tom pov
I sigh how sad foxy was but I got a text from tord. [Hey... foxy is moving back in you with bc he got into a fight] [I know he told me and he's here] I went to watch TV and I got other text [please be careful with him] [I will babe... I'll wait for you]. I looked at the TV "everything is going to plan" I grinned "soon... Matt and the others well be crying for them back and there going to stay with me forever..." I heard something and saw foxy kids trying to look for food to eat. I walked in the kitchen. I grabbed them a box of fruit snacks. I went to there level. They looked at me scared. I handed it to them. They grabbed it snd ran back into the room. 'do they even feed them?...' I went back to the living room with text tord [hey babe... do you guys feed foxy kids?] [Yes but... they chase them away then there cooking for there selfs, foxy had to make food for wolfo he didn't want tphes kids to eat.] [That's a horrible friend? Boyfriend??] [A horrible ex? He is] I looked at Foxy room and look back to my phone [what about the baby?] [There always drinking the milk and foxy can't breastfeed so he has to ask someone to breastfeed the baby] I was mad [they really what the kids dead huh?] [Yeah...I'll text you back I'm getting call down for something] [okay] I looked in the fridge for something to eat but I went to go check on my little brother. He was sitting on he's bed chewing the snack fruit for the baby to eat. "Hey foxy" "!!! Oh hey tom what do you want?..." "I just want to say... they the kpfath3r of the kids wants the kids dead?" "...yes... he didn't want the kids but I wanted to keep them" "well want to help me cook?" "...sure I guess... kids stay in here mommy will be back okay" the kids nodded but foxy brought the baby.

Foxy pov
I brought the baby with me here name wa woflox (weird name I know). I looked in the fridge for milk. Lucky tom had some. I pour the milk into a bottle. I put woflox on my tail and give the bottle to her and she started to drink it. Then I put the milk away a dn helped tom cook. A few mins later everything was done. The food looked good. "Good this looks good" "yeah... you should get your kids to eat" I nodded and went to get the kids (more weird names coming up) "wosey and rolfie come to eat me and uncle are done" they looked at me happy that they finally get to eat. They walked out with me and saw how much food was there. They sat nexts to me but they were still scared to eat the food. "Go ahead eat as much as you want I don't mind" tom said to the kids. They looked at me. "Go ahead eat. Uncle wouldn't get mad" they started to eat. My son wosey was taking spoon full of food and my daughter rolfie was grossed out. "Thanks tom for taking me and my kids" "no problem foxy... your the only family I have left" I nodded. 50 mins later the food was all gone and rolfie and wosey was full and they were happy they could eat. I helped tom with the dishes "....thank you again tom..." I started to cry. "!!! H-hey foxy! It's fine your going to be fine.... I'm always here..." "I'm sorry it's just... they look happy finally that they get to eat..." tom smiled. It was night time.

Tom's pov
I took care of woflox while the other three sleeped. I didn't mind staying up with the baby bc tord been texting me [are you sure there okay?] [Yes there okay, the kids are happy they get to finally eat] [thank goodness! Thank you tom!] [No problem] 'everything was going to plan' [I'm going to sleep matt I coming into the room night! And thank you again!] [No problem and night]. "Glad stuff is doing okay" I was rocking woflox to sleep and singing (image tom singing this but without the music I love this to)

Still toms pov
I finished singing and left the room to sleep. I heard kids running around and it's was 1pm 'heheh it's 1pm- ITS 1PM HOW LONG DID I SLEEP!!!' I jumped out of the and change my clothes. "Foxy! Why didn't you wake me up!" "Well I tried but you didn't wake up so I left you to sleep" "oh... did tord come by?..." "Yeah he's in the bathroom" 'heh finally... my plan as worked!!' I went up stairs before I opened the door I saw tord naked "holy shit~" tord turned around, he jumped a little and covered he's self. I closed and locked the door and walked to him. "Heh~ I see your showing your thick body?~" "tom I'm trying to put on my clothes please leave" "or what?~" "or I will trying break your other arm!" I rolled my 'eyes' and looked away. Tord got he's clothes on. "Done" I turned to look at me before I could say anything tord jumped on me and kiss me. I sink into the kiss and my hand were on he's thighs 'he'll yeah!! My plan worked!! He's mine again.... all mine again...' I throw tord on the bed and I pin him down "t-tom no the kids are still up" "awwww~ fine then" I got off tord. "But sense I'm wearing a dress~ I can open them for you and suck me off~" "oh~ you smartass!~"

Nobody pov
After that (I'm to lazy to do all this sin//fluffy). Foxy was in the room putting woflox to sleep. Foxy started to heat up. He looked for he's pills and took them.

Foxy pov
Good thing I still have my pills.

(Sorry this took long. I was busy and lazy. So sorry again about the story. Idk what's wrong with me. I'm not okay. I have to deal with wolfo being depressed. We both have ADHD but he's is more worse then me but I don't mind it. So the other story is going to take a while too. My wife lost her tiktok accout and were just talking on roblox. I want more kids but she said no then she said she will think about it. She has problems to but I don't mind asking she's being her self but good night/good morning)

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