chapter two

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"You guys know each other?" Ravi asked the young teens who were locked in each others arms. Devon backed from Griff slightly. "We were in juvie together."

Jorge gasped. "Theres two criminals in our cabin?" Xander nudged him. "Were glad to have both of you here." Xander said to the pair.

"Mrs. Mommy never told me you were a miscreant." Ravi said in shock. "Wow dude, are you really scared of a 15 year old?" She asked the boy sarcastically.


After everyone unpacked they went to play kickball. "Yeah, go Griff!" Devon cheered as the boy kicked a home run.

"Nice Griff, another home run." Xander told the boy. "Yeah. Kickballs a lot easier when your ankles aren't shackled." Griff chuckled before running.

"Alright. We finally have a decent athlete in Grizzly Cabin." Xander grinned. "Hey, I'm athletic." Devon said.

Xander sent her a look. "You said there was no way you'd ever play kickball and now you're laying on a blanket. How is that athletic?"

"How is that athletic?" Devon mocked in high voice. Xander rolled his eyes. "Boom I just scored another run and three new watches." Griff cheered when he got back.

"And a necklace for my sunshine." He said, handing a necklace to Devon. "Oh this is so pretty baby."

The other boys shared looks. "Griff, when I said you could steal I meant bases, not jewelry." Xander whispered.

"You gotta give them back." Ravi told the boy. "But be fast, you're kicking for Jorge. He's injured." Xander added. "No I'm not." Jorge spoke up.

Devon sat up from her spot and sent a big kick to his leg. "Ow!" The boy shouted. "Now you're injured." Devon said, sending a wink to Xander.

"Camp is so much fun, for once I get to chase people." Griff cheered. Devon giggled before jumping up and following behind the boy.


Devon walked into the Woodchuck cabin, hoping to see the girls before she went to bed.

But when she walked in she saw three beds stacked together and one big one in the middle with a long Xander pillow. "What in the fuck is this?" She choked out.

"Devon please save us." Zuri called from the top bunk. The girl couldn't help laughing at the sight. "Why are your beds stacked?"

A bleach blonde hopped out from the bathroom. "Time for bed Up-chucks." She cheered, jumping next to the Xander pillow. "Oh thats a whole lot of crazy."

"See Hazel, she doesn't even know you and she sees it." Emma called out, hitting her head on the bunk. "Oh shit." She winced.

Hazel laughed at Emma before glaring at Devon. "Who are you?" She snapped. "I'm Devon. I'd ask your name but judging by the creepy pillow, I'm guessing you're Hazel."

"It's not creepy." Hazel said offended as she got out of bed. "What are you doing now?" Zuri asked as she grabbed a ribbon.

The girl began dancing with the ribbon. "Okay, a guy once traded me weed for like ten pairs of dirty underwear and I was more comfortable then I am right now."

Devon said before heading back to her own cabin. Unaware of the disturbed looks from the girls.


Xander playing his guitar woke up Devon. She groaned covering her head. "Can you shut up, I'm trying to sleep."

"It's like noon, Devon." He said back, continuing to play. She sighed getting out of her bed. "Jesus Devon." He shouted.

She gave him a confused stare as he covered Jorge's eyes. "Put on pants." He whisper shouted. "Who said she needs pants?" Griff smirked as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Please stop all of this right now." Ravi gagged as the pair kissed. "Oh, grow up." Griff said as she pulled on pants.

Xander sighed removing his hand. "What'd I miss?" Jorge asked. "Nothing, nothing at all." Ravi told him.

"Woah, sick guitar man." Griff told Xander. "Thanks, I really love Gabby." He smiled at the boy. "You named your guitar? That's some kinky shit." Devon laughed.

He glared at the girl. "Don't say that." She raised an eyebrow. "Hey, it was joke. But Emma did tell me-"

"Why don't you two lovebirds go get some breakfast." He quickly rushed the girl out. "Emma promised she wouldn't tell." He said with a frown.

"We traded dirty secrets." She giggled before running off with Griff.


"This is adorable baby." Devon said as Griff rushed them back to the cabin. "I know, I hope they think it's cool."

He pushed open the door with a smile. "Guys look what I made in arts and crafts." He said, proudly showing off his dream catcher to the boys.

"In juvie we only got to make license plates." Devon added on. But the boys held disappointed looks. "Whats wrong?"

"Griff, why was my guitar pick on your bed?" Xander asked him. "Sorry man. Devon got it for me after we went zip lining to pick bugs out of my teeth."

The pair sat on Devon's bed. "You know, the last time I saw my guitar, this pick was between the strings."

"Aha, they did take the guitar." Ravi shouted. Devon's heart dropped at the words. "Excuse me?"

"I'm really disappointed in you guys." Xander told them. "We didn't take your stupid guitar." Devon said, hurt.

He shook his head. "I'm sorry, but in this situation we have to do a Trial by Fire." He told them. "You're gonna burn us?" They shrieked.

"It's just a trial by the camp fire." He explained. "No way, this is bullshit. Of course something goes missing you have to blame the troubled kids. I'm going."


Devon found a small spot by the lake to sit. "Can we talk?" She glanced up to see Ravi.

"I don't wanna talk to you." She snapped, turning away. "Please, I am sorry for accusing you. It was wrong." He said, sitting beside her.

"It made sense. Why wouldn't you blame the kids who were in juvie?" She said with a frown. "Griff told me about you, your life before juvie." He told them.

She sighed. "Yeah, bet that made me even more liable. Felon dad, druggie mom, pycho drunk brother?"

"You aren't like them Devon. He told me that the reason you got sent to juvie was because you were stealing and dealing to support your little sister."

She scoffed, looking down. "Yeah, that worked out well."

"I had a rough childhood too. You know I was adopted from India. I was in an orphanage until they got me. I know what its like to be alone."

"I believe you guys." He told her. "Thanks Ravi, really." 

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