70/30 is the perfect ratio

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Part 2: Flower Heist

Set: Night before his visit to California

Mike's POV

Mike REALLY had to hurry it up. He had around 4 minutes before he had to be back in bed when his mom came to check. He knew she would. Mike turned on the flashlight and started walking. The only thing on his mind "DONT GET IN TROUBLE". If he did, this whole night would just go down the drain for him. He saw yellow,purple, and white flowers. They were perfect!!! Mike knew she would love them. Mike thought about the ratio because it had to be perfect. Mike thought for a sec and decided on a 70/30 ratio.

He knew El loved the color yellow so of course the majority of the flowers he wanted were yellow. The flowers were more so wild flowers than actually planted flowers so even if he did get in trouble, he should still be in the good, or so he thought...

Mike thought about how creepy he probably looked from afar. All in dark clothes with a hoodie pulled on over his head and a flashlight. He snapped out of his thoughts because he knew he need to hurry up.

He walked over and kneeled down. He started picking the yellow flowers first. When he was done with that color, he moved on to the purple ones. Everything was going well until the white ones. He only had around 2 minutes so he was in a real rush.

The white flowers were sectioned off from the rest so Mike had to stand up to move. When he stood up, he took a step back and stepped on a motion activated water sprinkler.

"Oh crap!!!." he thought. He was kind in the middle of his neighbor's yard so he got drenched.

He heard the front door open and out came his neighbor with a not so happy look on her face.

Before Mike had the chance to make a run for it, the old woman clicked something on a little remote and walked towards Mike.

"So I see were stealing aren't we??" she said with a not so friendly face.

"No, it's not what it looks like-I... I'm sorry. You see I had to get a present for someone that means a lot to me but I forgot and I got to vist them tomorrow and I'm not gonna have like anytime at all and -I " Mike rambled.

"Oh honey, you could of asked you know!" she said with a more comforting smile. Mike started thinking about it. "I guess I could of just asked..." he thought. Mike was so done with his night, he just wanted to lay in bed even if he could only just stare at his ceiling.

"Are you going to tell my parents??", which was the last thing Mike needed right now.

"Of course not, you seem to be having a bad enough night. I'll let it slide." she said with a warm smile.

"Oh, thanks". Mike said embarressed of his actions.

"Have a good night honey."

He turned around and started walking,"Thank you and you too!"

He stopped in his tracks and turned around " Thats not what I menat at all, I just means have a good night, not the other thing, I didnt mean that part and- just have a good night" the old lady said closing her door.

He gets annoyed at himself when he gets like that, but just can't ever stop it.

Mike was so done with this crappy night. He was drenched, tired, still had to take the trash out, and give Nancy 3 weeks of allowance.

He couldnt believe himself.

He walked back inside and quickly took the trash out. He walked up the stairs half expecting Nancy to be standing in her door way laughing at him because of what she just witnessed., but the light was off.

Mike was cool with it, he didn't really want to interact with anyone anymore.

He walked into his room still wearing clothes drenched of course and turn on the light. There was a figure on his bed. He couldnt really tell who it was until he saw her hair.

"What are you doing???You scared the crap out of me!!!"
There was Nancy sitting on his bed with just the moonlight glowing on her. "I'm just enjoying the stupideness of my brother, that's all", she said witha grin that turned into a smirk.

"I'm guessing who saw the whole thing?"

"Maybe, lets just say I now need a whole month of allowance because I told mom that you had to take 3 bags of clothes of mine to the trash. Oh and yeah, your actually stupider than I thought!!!"

"You might wanna change, your dripping everywhere" she said moving her hands in a circle. But I actually have something serious to tell you, she stood up and put her hands on Mikes shoulders, I think El would love to know the story it took to get those flowers!"

Mike grabbed a pillow from his bed and threw it at the door but missed her. "Your sooooo annoying you know!!!!"

She ran back and peered into his room,"But you know you love me "mikey." she said quivering her lip.


There Mike lay in bed looking over at his desk at the bouquet of flowers thinking" those flowers sure do have a history." :)

Tell me what you think<3  also, any ideas?!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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