One way or another

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Part 1:Flower Heist

Set: Night before his visit to California

Mike's POV:

He couldnt believe it. Tomorrow was the day he would be flying out across the country just to see his girlfriend. - and his friend of course:)

He was laying in bed with the window open but it was still bruning up. He was having cold sweats. "What if I say something stupid", "or if I do something stupid?". The teenager was having a weird feeling all day, as if he was forgetting something. -

Moments later, the boy remembered...
Mike quickly sat up in bed. "Oh my god, I forgot to get her flowers!!!!"

He quickly jumped out of bed and put on a pair of navy blue sweatpants and a white tanktop. He ran out his door but quickly returned because he forgot his shoes. It was already 11:30pm and it was a school night but he didnt really care. It was for the love of his life. Nothing would ever stop him from doing something for her.

He knew he had to be quiet but he remembered a little to late...
Mike froze in the hallway. Nancy stood there with her arms crossed over each other. "Watcha doing there Mike???"

The dark headed boy started to rethink his situation. He was now regretting not going through his window. "Just gonna go get a snack."he replied.Nancy had a face that Mike knew VERY well. It was face of "I'm gonna make you do something that only benefits me", or "I'm just gonna tell on you."
"Crap!!!" Mike thought in his head. He had two choices either make a run for it and risk getting in trouble(which he very well knew he would), or try to come up with a deal of some sorts. He really didn't feel like doing more chores around the house. As it was, he already had 3 extra chores that he was still trying to knock off from stealing Nancy's money.

Mike decided to go with the safest choice. He sat down and started tying his shoes. "Really, a snack?" she gave with a glare of definitely not believing him. "Uh, yeah, can I not do that?"

"Mike, you already know the deal and your choices so pick, now."she stated. The boy decided to give up with the act and face it whatever the consequence was. "For real Nancy???, I'm not even doing anything bad" Mike complained. "So what is it your doing then if it's not anything "bad", she said in quotation marks with her fingers. "I just forgot to get something outside, thats it." he said standing putting his hand in his pockets.

"So it's okay if I go with you?" she said with a smirk. "Why are you sooooo annoying, honestly???" he said genstruring with his hands. "Mike just tell me, im gonna find out one way or another. "How are you possibly gonna find out?" Mike said annoyed that Nancy was starting to waste his time.

"Because, I'm just cool like that, and because I can literally see the neighbors yard which happens to have flowers." she said like she knew what she was talking about. Mike's face went beet red. "How could she possibly know???Did she over hear him talking about it??" he said in his head while it was swarming with explanations.

Nancy must of noticed his red face because she started quivering her lip downwards. "Awwww, is Mikey that in love with Ellie that he gets as red as a tomato?" she said in a baby voice obviously making fun of him. "How'd you- was all Mike could say before Nancy started stating the obvious.

"Dude, come on!, you guys are like EXTREMELY loud in the basemnet." " I heard your little plan of getting El some flowers", "freshly picked", if I remember correctly", she said gesturing with her her hands in "okay" symbols.

"Ok". Mike thought. "I really screwed up now."What kinda thing is she gonna pull now?!!"

He didnt have not much time to think before the kitchen light turned on. "Wow, I'm double screwed now!", the boy whispered to Nancy. "Just shutup, okay. Let me do the talking." she said back shuting him up.

"What are you guys still doing up?!, It's a school night you know." "I'm not leaving until you both are in bed." The siblings gave each other a look. Nancy knew Mike wasnt gonna have much time in the morning to do anything so she decided to "be nice today".

Mike started walking back to his room upset about his encounter with Nancy that cost him perfectly good time when he heard him name. "Hi mommy!, Mike just wanted to get a head start on his chores since he wont have much time tomorrow with school and going to the airport right when he gets back. He just quickly wanted to take out the trash and recycling. It was his last chore."

Mike turned around slowly not wanting to even make a slight wrong move make his mom say no. He knew it was a stupid theory he had but he always went by it. Karen looked at him with the "thinking face". "Was that really what you were going to do Micheal?"

"Oh- umm yeah, of couse. Just wanted to finished those chores up, you know?"

"Fine. You have 10 minutes to be in bed with lights out, you hear me?"

"Yes ma'am."Mike said with a smile.

She gave Nancy a quick kiss on her forehead and made her way down the stairs.

Once they heard her footsteps become quieter and her door close, Mike ran to the closet to get a sweater. When he got to the bottom of the stairs, he quickly returned to Nancy room. There she was still standing in the same spot but with her arms crossed this time like she knew he would return.

"How much Mike?" he asked like they both already knew. "I dont know, I was thinking 3 weeks or so" she said looking at her fingernails. "3 whole weeks of allowence!" he exclaimed. "That cost is quite a lot for what just happened." "Well it also costs me quite a lot to be nice to you soooo, she said smirking at him. "Well I think your wayyyyy overpriced."he said argeeering with her.

When he was about to leave she heard Nancy say wait. He turned around and waited while he heard her rambling around in her drawer. She came back out to hallway with a flashlight. "Can you really not just buy her flowers at the store???, your such a douche for waiting last minute. Like the neighbors, really Mike?" she said earning her a mad and annoyed mike. "Dont remind, please and thank you and yeah, it's a free country." Mike started walking down the stairs when Nancy said " If you get caught,I'm not dealing with it!" "Whatever!" There Mike ran with only a little over 5 minutes left to pick the perfect flowers. Little did he knows what he would get himself in...

Tell me what you think, also any ideas on what else to do?!!!<3

If mike and el &quot;actually&quot; had the best spring break ever&lt;3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن