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*Jack pov
One thirty. The sun was brighter than any other day. I didn't sleep next to (yn), she needed to be alone. She fell asleep in the shirt, which pretty much meant that (yn) would be crying. Badly, I wanted to see her. So I chose to.
Softly, I knocked on the door, "(yn).", when I opened it, she was barely waking up, "Hey Jack.", she rubbed her eyes, "Have you been crying?", (yn) looked down, "Only a little, but I stopped.", "(yn).", I sat next to her, "I'm fine.", I lifted her head, "Doesn't seem like it.", I placed my forehead on hers, "Jack, I have someone as amazing as you. You still care. I think I'm fine.", she kissed my cheek, "(yn), please don't cry anymore.", she nodded, "Wanna watch Attack on Titan?", I asked, "Yeah."
We went in the living room, "Popcorn?", I asked, "Yup.", she grabbed a bag and put it in the microwave, "So how did you sleep?", she asked, "Okay, I guess. And what about you?", "Good.", (yn) looked at her toes. Like a little kid, it was an awkward silence. I guess she felt the same since (yn) just kept her eyes off me and on the microwave, waiting for it to be over. As soon as the popcorn was done, she grabbed the bowl and poured the popcorn in.
When I sat on the couch, (yn) layed on my chest. She seemed rather sweet. I threw some popcorn in her hair, "Hey.", she threw some back, "Trying to fix your hair with a bit of popcorn. Yeah, birds will be attracted to your hair.", "You're the only birdy for me.", she smiled, "Tweet.", "Really Jack?", (yn) giggled, "Yup."
*Your pov
I removed the popcorn from my hair, "Bet you wouldn't like it if I put popcorn in your hair.", I said, "That would be fricking awesome. Plus, I can make it look boss.", "Not even.", "What? You think you're more boss than me?", "Hmm, yes.", "Nope. No one can be more boss than the boss of all bosses.", "Well, I am.", "How about we settle this?", "How?", "Who ever can stuff more marshmallows in their mouth, is clearly more boss.", "So...the chubby bunny challenge?", "Kind of.", "Alright.", "I still have some left over." Jack ran upstairs, and when he returned he had a bag half full of marshmallows and a camera. I looked at him, "You're gonna record this?", I asked, "Yup.", "It wasn't part of the deal.", "I know.", he smiled.
"Okay, it's recording now.", he said, "Are you going to post this?", "Maybe.", "Let's just start.", "You are gonna lose."
**few minutes later*
"Chubbey bunnneh.", I said with a mouth full of marshmallows, Jack put another marshmallow in his mouth, "Chubbeh bunny.", I couldn't stuff anymore in my mouth, I spit the marshmallows in a bucket we had near, "I can't do this.", I said, "Yay.", Jack cheered before spitting the marshmallows into the bucket too, "I win.", "Whatever. Besides you had practice before.", "True, but I still won. No one can beat the boss.", "I will beat you one day.", "But that day shall never come.", "Never say never."
I walked to my room, it seems less depressing. As I walked in, my toe hit something under my bed, "Crap.", I whisper yelled. When I looked under it, I found something I thought I would never find. It was the skateboard Dylan gave me, "I remember you.", it was a bit lighter than the last time I rode it, which was how long ago? Before Dylan died for sure. Maybe a ride along the park wouldn't hurt. Putting on my jeans and tucking in the shirt to go to the park.
I walked downstairs, "Jack, you wanna go to the park with me?", I asked, "Now?", "Yes.", "Alright.", he jumped off the couch, "Let me get changed.", Jack said, "Okay."
**Another minutes* I'm lazy.
"Let's go.", Jack said. I held his hand as we walked to the park, "So why do you want to go to the park?", "Oh, I kind of want to try skateboarding, it's been a long time.", I replied. We walked past many shops and not a lot of people were out. It seemed quiet, but very peaceful. Our hands rocked back and forth as we walked, neither of us said anything for while until we arrived at the park.
"Do you even know how to skateboard?", Jack asked, "Yes, it's just been so long.", I pushed myself forward, "You look hilarious.", "Shut up. I want to see you try.", "Yeah, but my bossness would totally destroy that skateboard.", "Yeah, yeah.", I concentrated on the skateboard. Remember what Dylan told you. I kept thinking that over and over again.
After many falls, I finally stopped and sat next to Jack. He was sitting on the grass, and the sun was slowly setting, "So is this it.", he said, "What?", "You came and used the skateboard. Are you happy?", "No, I still can't forget how Dylan died for me.", I placed my head on his shoulder, "(yn), do you ever think we might, I don't know, break up?", Jack asked, "No. I love you too much.", I smiled, "Yeah, just a stupid question.", he kissed my head. The sky looked so beautiful, it was pinkish with a bit of orange. Jack looked at the sky, "Do you think we might even...get married?", he asked, "Of course. But no one can see what the future has in store for us. And if we do get married, we will have the biggest cake.", "Better be a fricking big ice cream cake. And another cake for the guests.", I giggled, "Yeah, everyone will be there.", I said, "Our families and friends.", "And Dylan's family too.", Jack was silent for a while, "Yes, his family will be invited, no doubt.", "And the decorations, balloons?", "Hell yeah balloons! White cloth on the tables with sparkly stars on them.", "Totally.", "And the bride, wearing a white wedding dress.", "The groom will wear a tuxedo.", "That is if we can get there.", Jack sighed and layed back on the grass. I layed next to him, "And...after the wedding?", Jack looked at me and held my hand, "After that, we will have our kids.", he said, "How many?", "I don't know but one of them must be named, Lika Boss.", he made me smile, "Maybe one more.", "How should we name him or her?", he asked, "If it's a girl, Liza. And if it's a boy, Dylan.", "Yeah.", he wrapped his arm around me and I layed my head on his chest. "(yn), never leave me.", he whispered, "I promise.", I said and planted a kiss on his cheek. "We should go home now.", Jack said, "Not yet when the sun goes down.", "Alright.", I shut my eyes to enjoy this moment. I already loved this, especially our conversations about having kids and getting married. I was at peace, Dylan is with Liza in heaven, I do miss him. But I know he is happy. Jack is amazing, I feel happy and safe. "Jack, you wanna go get Starbucks?", "Okay.", we stood up and began walking to Starbucks.
So this is the end of my Jacksepticeye fanfic. No sequel. Okay, no sequel.
Reasons: I don't know what I'm gonna write about. And I think this is a pretty ending.
Thank you fellow readers!

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