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I pushed away from our kiss, and walked away from him. "Why are you leaving?", "If Greg saw me with you, he would lose it.", "See you tomarrow.", he said. I walked ahead of him, wanting Jack near me. I was in front of my door, before I could knock, Greg swung it open and pulled my waist in. "Greg what are you doing?", I asked as he shut the door, "I want my baby.", he kissed me, I didn't feel the same way as when Jack kisses me. I moved my head away, "Come on, just a little while.", "No, I have to do some work from school." I lied, I do my homework early so I don't stress the day before it's due, "Fuck that, come on.", he stared down, "No, I really need to work on the assignments.", I said as I walked to my bedroom, quickly shut the door. I checked my backpack for my phone, I was afraid of Greg I needed Jack.
Me: Jack, I'm scared
I waited for him to reply, "Come on, Jack I need you.", he must be recording or something. Please not now. I checked the time, 4:00pm, he probably is recording. I layed in my bed staring at my phone. I heard a knock at my door, "Hey.", it was Greg, he came and layed next to me, "What are you doing?", he asked me, "Just checking Instagram.", I replied. Bad timing, my phone buzzed, I tried to ignore it, "Aren't you going to answer that?", "Oh, um..no.", he took my phone out of my hands, "So you're still texting Jack, I thought I told you-", "You did, but we're just friends.", he looked mad, "So, you do like him. Don't lie.", "Well...", I looked at him, I can't say anything, if I tell him the truth, he will get mad and he will know if I'm lying. "Tell me the truth, (yn).", "He's nice to me, we are great friends. Jack hangs out with me and with him I feel safe and comfortable. Like if someone actually cares for once in my life.", he smiled at me. He hit me the pain was intense, I got up and checked in the mirror, there was a huge red mark on my face, "See, he doesn't hit me like you do.", I made a furious look,"What are you gonna do?", he asked sarcasticly, he walked to me, "Get away.", I said, "Can I see if my gift fit you?", he said, "So it was you who put that bag in my room?!", "Yeah, so can I?", I covered my chest, "Hell no!", he instantly grabbed me and threw me on the floor. As he was about to hit me, I had a plan, "Wait, I'm sorry Greg.", I got up and kissed him, "Just wait in the living room, I'll get ready.", I said, "That's more like it.", he walked out and I locked the door. I searched my room, "Where's my phone?", I looked around, I found it under the bed. I quickly called Jack. I was tapping my foot on the ground, "Please pick.", I called again, "Hello.", he replied, "Jack, finally you answer.", "Yeah, I was recording.", "Jack, please come.", "Why?", "Greg. I cant tell you everything, please just come.", "Okay.", I heard Greg coming, "I have to go.", I quickly hung up. Greg came in, "Sorry, I'm still looking for what to wear.", "I don't care.", he came to me. He pushed me on the bed, "Get away!", I kicked him, he grabbed my wrists, Greg had pinned me down. I struggled to get out of his grasp, "Let go!", I had tears streaming down my cheeks as he took off my shirt, he kissed me again. I could hear someone knocking, "(yn)!", I could hear Jack. Jack knocked harder and I heard the door open. Greg held a knife, "If you yell or do anything, I'll do it.", he looked determined to use that knife. He covered my mouth.
*Jack pov
I opened the door and heard a noise from the bedroom, "(yn)!", I walked to the room. I could see Greg with a knife and (yn), "What the hell?", I said, "Come one step closer...", he pointed the knife at (yn), "Greg, don't do it.", I slowly walked to him, "Don't come closer.", he cut her arm. "Greg, put the knife down.", I got close enough, I punched Greg in his face and pulled (yn) away. Surprisingly, he got knocked out, "Damn.", I said, I turned to (yn), "Shit, you're bleeding from your arm!", she looked at the cut, "I'll go get bandages.", she said as she walked to the bathroom. I bent down and took the knife away from Greg. I left to put it in the kitchen cabinet. When I went to (yn), I saw her staring at Greg, "Are you alright?", I asked, she nodded, "Let's go call the cops.", then she began to kick him, "I hate you, you ruined my life all those years!", she yelled, I wrapped my arms around her, "Stop.", "He never stopped.", I dragged her away to a chair put a blanket around her. I knelt down, "You need to calm down.", I said, "But-", "Please, we'll call the police and have him taken away.", she stared at me with shimmering eyes, "He will come back.", "No he won't I promise.", I stood up and called the cops.
*Your pov
Jack doesn't understand, Greg has ways of returning. He has ways of hurting people, and they're not pleasent. But on the other hand, this could all be over. No more fear, no more hits, and at last no more bruises. I would be happy to not have a bruised leg, I looked down. "Pretty great." I whispered sarcasticly. Jack sat next to me, "The cops are on their way.", "Okay.", I didn't look at Jack.
We waited a few minutes and the cops arrived. One of them took Greg away, I didn't get to look at him very much. The other cop was a female, she had blonde hair in a bun, and very thin. She needed to talk to us, "So explain what happened here.", she said, Jack nudged me, "Go on.", he said, I looked at the police woman and explained everything. She stared at me then to Jack, "Do you know anything else?", "All I know is he has been hitting her.", he replied, "Any proof?", "Yeah.", he grabbed my arm to reveal bruises, the cop was surprised, "Really?", "And on her legs.", I was quiet, "And he cut her arm.", he showed her the cut Greg made, "I see, well do you have anything else?", she asked me, "No.", I said quietly, "Good, so do you have anyone to stay with?", "No.", "She can stay with me.", Jack said, "Is this okay?", she asked me, I nodded, "Take care of her, got to go.", the police woman left and all was quiet. "Go get your things so we can leave.", Jack said, I nodded and went to my room. I shut the door and threw my bag on my bed. Without saying a word, I grabbed my stuff like, toothpaste, toothbrush, a comb, and some clothing. Jack's hat was on the floor, I picked it up and put the hat on and a shirt. Shyly, I walked out of the room to see Jack standing there, "You ready.", I didn't respond I just jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck, Jack wrapped his arms around my waist. We let go, "Let's go.", I said. We headed to Jack's apartment. I was releaved.
*Jack pov
"So my home is a bit messy, just gonna warn you.", I said, (yn) giggled. We entered my home, "It is not messy, Jack.", she said, "Really?", "Not messy.", "Also..um...would you want to...", I couldn't spit it out, "Would you want to go set your stuff down?", I wanted to slap myself, "Um...okay.", I lead her to my room so she can put her stuff down. She looked at me with those puppy-like eyes, "Sorry once I clear out a room, you can sleep there.", she nodded, "So what do you want to do?", she asks me, "Well, we can order pizza and just kind of hang.", she nodded.
After the pizza arrived, I returned to the living room to see (yn) on the couch already changed into her pajamas. I sat next to her, "What do you want to watch?", I asked her, "What ever you want.", I noticed she had an Attack on Titan shirt and shorts, "Do you like that show?", why did I ask that of course, why else would she have pajamas. She looked at me, "Yeah, I guess I'm kind of a geek.", she covered her shirt, "No way, I love that show too.", she blushed, "Not many of my old friends liked that show.", "Well I do. My favorite character is Eren Jagaer.", I replied, "I like Mikasa.", she said almost yelling, "Do you want to watch the first season?", I asked, "Yeah.", she looked like a child about to receive candy. We watched the first season and during the show we talked and talked. I was having fun, "Yeah, I think he is hot, so what?", "So you would date Eren?", I asked "Yeah!", "Even if he is half titan?", "I could live with it.", I laughed, "And you would date Mikasa?", she asked me, "No." our conversation went on for a while, until she got sleepy. She put her head on my chest, I never had anyone lay on me, "Jack, thank you.", she said as she slowly drifted to sleep. She curled up in a little ball, I waited until the show was over. I gently petted her head, before she slept she was holding my other hand.
At last the show ended, "Wake up, (yn).", she wouldn't, I got up and kept shaking her. Such a lazy girl, I carried her bridal style with one hand on her back the other under her legs, "Wakey.", I whispered. I layed her down on the bed, she looked ice cold. I felt bad, I took off my sweater and put it on her, "Too big.", I giggled, I put on my septiceye shirt and layed next to her.
She felt warm, probably because she was wearing my sweater, I placed her head on my chest again and fell asleep.

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