Part 13

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Blossom sat up slightly, throwing her legs over the edge of the bed. Her mind went over everything that had happened in the last couple of days.

Was it all a dream?

She stood up, walked over to the closet and pulled out a green and black sweater, ripped black jeans and a white button-up shirt. She eyed the outfit for a moment before pulling out her belt and boots and finally getting dressed.

When she walked out into the kitchen, her mother eyed her carefully. She did not say anything until she went to grab a bowl from the drawer. 

"Don't worry darling. I made you pancakes!" She said cheerfully, failing to hide the concern in her voice.

"Oh. You didn't have to." Blossom replied. This is how it's been for 2 days now. Her parents won't let her do anything herself.

"Of course I did. Now sit down and eat." She said. Blossom rolled her eyes when her mother pulled out her chair for her.

"I love you." Blossom's head shot up at the words. It was the same voice that told her it was all in her head. 

"Everything alright darling?" Her father questioned as he flicked on the kettle. Blossom nodded and went back to eating.

"I'm going to be able to go back to school, right?" She questioned, her eyes were hopeful. Her parents exchanged a look before giving a small nod.

"Of course darling. Just don't strain yourself ok?" Blossom nodded. She stood up and grabbed her bag, which she had packed the day before.

"By then." She opened the front door before her parents could say anything more. When she was out of sight her mother and father shared a look of concern. She hadn't told anyone about her weird fever dream, it all felt so real. 

When she reached the school, the first thing she did was run straight up to Peter, who was standing at his locker with his friend Ned, nervously glancing around the hallway.

"Peter! Jez, I missed you yesterday." She said, wrapping him up in a hug.

"Blossom, where have you been?" He replied once they had broken the hug.

"My parents wouldn't let me come to school yesterday. I may or may not have fainted on Saturday." She stated, still holding his hands.

"Oh my god! Are you ok?" He said, running his finger across the back of her hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said. There was another moment before Peter pulled her in for another hug.

"Also I met another one of my soulmates." She stated. Peter stared at her, an excited look in his eyes.

"WHO?!" He exclaimed. He apologised when he realised how loud he said it.

"Uhm, well I met her at the Melanie Martinez meet & greet." She teased.

"Ok. What was her name." He questioned excitedly.

"Melanie Martinez." She said giggling at the fact peter was basically bouncing with excitement.

"NO WAY!" He shouted, earning a few more glares from the people around them.

"You're joking," Ned commented.

"Nope." the trio started jumping slightly and squealing.

"Oh my god. Keep it down you three." MJ said, appearing behind them, Stephanie one step behind her.

Just then the bell went and they all made their way to their respective classes. 

"Are you there?"

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