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"She's the most beautiful baby ever." Nora smiled.
"I'm going to name her, Freya."

"You can't keep her. She's a werewolf, she's coming with me." Her father announced.

"What?" Nora questioned what Freyas father said.
"You heard me. She is a witch too, so I'll be with a different witch."

"No you can't do this!" Nora cried out.

"Yes I can." And her father ripped Nora's heart out.

There, she was reborn, as a heretic.

12 years passed, and her father was going to force her to trigger her curse.

"Father, you know I am not ready for this." Freya sighed.

Her dad slapped her across her face.

"I don't care if you are not ready. You are doing this even if you don't want to." Her dad screamed.

"What should I wear?" Freya slightly smiled.
"Wear what pleases you." He shouted.

It was time.

"Pearl? What are you doing here?" Freya wondered.
"I'm here to trigger my curse? Why are you here?" Pearl asked Freya.

"I'm here to trigger my curse, too." Freya questioned.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time." Her dad shouted.

"One of these two beautiful ladies will trigger their curse tonight." He laughed.

"Dad, I don't want to do this." Freya whispered.

Her dad peered down at her.
"If you do not do this I will get down from here and kill you myself." He angrily whispered.

"And begin." Her dad smiled.

"I don't want to do this." Pearl cried.
"I can't do this to you, Pearl." Freya whispered.
"It's okay. I've lived long enough." Pearl smiled.

Freya  ran towards one of the werewolves that were cheering and siphoned them.

The pack was silent.

"A witch.. and a werewolf?" One werewolf questioned.
"It's not possible." Another exclaimed.
"She just killed our family." Two shouted.
"Get her!"

She ran away in fear.

Freya ran so far she found a village.
"Sir! I need help!" Freya shouted.
"The creatures of the night! They're after me!" Freya caught her breath.

"They warned us about you." A villager said when his eyes glowed up.
Freya started running.

How She Changed HerWhere stories live. Discover now