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Turbo's POV

FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??! YOUR SUPPOSED TO HATE HER, AND YOU SLEEPED WITH HER, YOU ALSO KISSED HER BEFORE SHE WENT AWAY??!? Ugh, the new girl is messing me up... I sight as I sit up and grab my (flip) phone and call up Felix.
F: Hello neighbor! How you doing?

T: not good..

F: oh? Did peach do something?

T: no... it was me this time.. Felix I fucked up..

F: with peach?..

T: .... no.. with the new girl..

F: WHAT DID YOU DO?! she might be new but she's the sweetest person ever, if you hurt her I swear-

T: WE HOOKED UP OK, and I was my fault... I invited he-

F: them..

T: what- shut up Felix, anyways, I invited them to tappers and we got out of flow.. and.. I think I like the-

F: look turbo, this sounds exciting but.. after work alright, litwaks opens soon and I don't want you to go out of order, see you soon!

T: i- but-

Felix hangs up and sight disappointed, I place my hands in my face and rub my hands down.. "well.. time to go to work" I said as I get up to get ready. Took a fresh uniform out and went to take a shower. I stood there thinking for a while to then continue my routine and get out.

As I walk out of my apartment and out, I can see the twins talking to the new girl, and laughing with her, I frown as I pass them by. "Hey shorty, u avoiding us now?" I heard jet say I turn around "WHO ARE YOU CALLING SHORTY?!" "Relax... Sparky gave us the idea, good one eh?" I hear jet and gear laugh as Sparky giggled, I got mad but as I was about to say something the announcements off the arcade opening were announced. "Alright turbs, let's go!" Said gear and all of the 3 ran off, "ONLY THE GIRL CAN CALL ME THAT YOU- UGH" I ran after them putting on my helmet on the process.

"Huh.. no more players? We haven't been played for a while" said the girl "that's because of the new hit, across us, we have to race with them one day" said gear, "that would be... fun.. actually" said jet. "What about I got there and hack them hm? There taking our popularity!" I said in a rage, "aw, turbs no need to get mad, I mean they are better in every single way!" Said gear teasing me again with the nick name "I swear to god-" "how come you and Sparky arnt talking? Not even one glance at each other huh?" Jet cut me off as her looked at me and the girl, she was blushing a bit and pouted as she looked away.. I stood silent and said nothing and blushed abit, I got abit angry, "CHANGE OF TOPI-" "ARCADE CLOSED!!" I got interrupted from outside, "wow, time really passes by huh.. welp arcade closed.. better get to central station.. see you guys later" we all saw the new girl walk away, "I think I'll stay.." said jet, "I have to meat up with one of them racer guys.. I'm going on a date with em!" Said gear as he walked away to get ready I'm guess, "what about you turbo?" Jet asked. "I promised Felix that I'll meet up with him... I better get going..." I said as I walked away catching up with the new girl..

Jets POV

when turbo talked, I saw is neck slightly and saw marks.. Sparky had some marks too... there's no way.. no.. it's too early for that type of love.. it was probably peach for turbo and Sparky prob feel last night.. I saw turbo catch up with Sparky, and go into the train.. I start walking away to see my brother still walking. I join him, and see him talking with someone on his phone.. hm.. I smile as I wrap my arm around my brother and smile at him, he does the same and we walk towards our apartments....

Turbos POV

Me and the girl sit down on the train, next to each other.. I look to the side and see them looking down.. with a face.. that's doesn't look like her normal one, no smile no nothing.. I look away and rest my arm on their seat... and leave my hand while open.. after a while I feel someone grabbing my hand, I look to the side slightly and see then looking to the side.. "tch, I know you are smiling right now.." I hear a small giggle "you are pathetic, turn around you.." I see them look at me smiling slightly.. this warms me up for some reason.. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but, never stop smiling ok, you look better with it.." I said looking at them in the eyes.. "... hah, what ever you say loser.." I hear them say "your my looser..." I said in a muffled tone, "what?" "I said that your grip is too lose you fucking weakling" I said in a rude tone "jezz ok? What you want me to do? Squeeze your hand as if I'm giving birth??" She said bad to me "Haha, your funny" "haha, fuck you too.." she replied back.. the train stopped and we hoped off. I let go of their hand I spoke up, "um, would you like to join me in my apartment after I get out of Felix's game???" I see them stop and turn to me, "um... sure! I would love too!! Just meet me in the train station... don't go ahead of me! Turbs~" I see them blow a kiss and walk away, I catch it, and.. despise of it all I trow it away.. I decided to walk straight to Felix's and avoid peach, I can't let her see my neck... not today.. nope!!

Sparky POV

I walk away taking my eyes away from turbs, as I walk around game central station, I look around still amazed at all of the games just being there, I saw some of the rode blasters dudes and decided to talk to em until someone bumps into me and I hit the floor, I glitch out "ow! Hey man look were your going!" I yell out, I saw up and saw peach and her friends laughing at me, "aw! Need a hand? Sweetheart~" peach said laughing "no... I can get up my self..." I get up and dust off, "hmhmm.. hooking up with the twins already? Or with the rode blasters guys? Tell me everything!" I stop and put my hand on my neck and realize that my suit is not covering my neck I fix it and speak back "you'll be surprised on who it is" with that I give her a look and walk away to meet up with the boys, she just opens up her fan as loud and looks away in such sas.. I just ignore her and continue walking once I got closer to them I smiled and said my hellos, we all decided that we could race to pass time and then go to tappers to hit a few and hit home! It's going to me a very fun day.

Felix's POV

I hear a knock on my apartment, I go to get it and open it "oh! Turbo! Come right in!" I move a side and he sits down quickly, "... everything alright turbolo?" I asked "I think that I cached feeling for the new girl.." "hmhmm well I heard that you guys hocked up.. and that you guys got out of flow, and now you think that you like like them" I see him nod, "ay yai yai turbo, you know that you have peach right?" I said "YES I KNOW THAT! Ugh.. I just.. last night I felt different... sorry to get graphic but... I loved how they kissed me and how they smile and how they...." I smirk and he looks at me and stops talking as he crosses his arms "you know.. tch whatever.." he continued "well.. turbolo, seems like you have a hardcore crush on them, but at the same time... I feel like you want to use them because you are with peach and peach loves using you for that...." I said to him "....yeah.. wait... How did you-" "tch you think that I don't have cameras turbo? I heard your talk with peach when we were all in the pool party.. look I don't mind but one day.. after all you and them has done the word would spread out and Sparky would avoid you just like like that..." I saw turbo go silent for a few minutes "trust me... they won't find out.." turbo said as I sight "sure whatever you say turbs.." "HEY only Sparky can call me that..." I got shocked by this reaction "wow! You guys already have nicknames? They surely do give you the honey glow huh?~" I teased turbo "YES and it is very awful... look I better get going.. short visit but I have a.. um.. date" "with who?" "Peach" "lies" "fine with Sparky whatever!!" I see turbo storm out and shut the door.. I chuckle to myself, "this relationship is a train reck...." I say to myself.

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