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Jisung's POV:

«Jisung, Jisung! JISUNG!!! YAHH HAN JISUNG!!!!!!!» I groaned and woke up by my older brother's annoying shouting. I opened my eyes and saw a pair of angry eyes looking at me. "What" I said in a sleeping tone while stretching in my comfy bed.

"YAH Do you know what time it is!!!?!!?!??!!?" The older said in a irritated and angry voice. "No" I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear me. "IT'S 07:47 FUCKING AM!!!!!" I widened my eyes and looked at the clock, he was right it was 7:48 am.

" W-WHAT!!! YAHHH WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER!!!!" I shouted while running to the bathroom.

I took a quick 3 minute shower took my clothes on, brushed my teeth and sprinted downstairs.

(I don't really know Jisung brother's s name so his name is Jaemin 'not from NCT btw')
Ok back to the story:

"Yahhh Jaemin could you please drive me to school today!?!?!?" I shouted as I was walking down the stairs. " Can't you walk?"

Jisung looked at the older with a 'are you serious look. "Yahh please just this time?!?!!?!"I practically begged the older to give me a ride to school. "Fine let's go" the older said as he sighed.

When we arrived at school I had like two minutes to go to class before I was late. There wasn't really many students in the hallways so it was easier for me to run. When I arrived at the classroom I saw my friends, Felix, Jeongin and Seungmin (The bottoms in other words.), looking at me

I started to go to my desk that was in the back of the classroom. When I sat down a blond-haired boy started talking to me. "Yah are you okay? Why are you late?" He said with a confused look on his face.

" I'm okay Felix it's just that i stayed up late at night and my brother waked me up late" I said with a little annoyed tone. "But, he drived me to school today because of that" I said with a little happy voice this time.

"Anyways, so did you hear that we are changing our assigned seat today?!" This time it was the Dandy-boy Seungmin that said something. "Again!?!?" I said in an annoyed-frustrated voice. "Unfortunately, yes" the fennec fox-boy Jeongin said as he sighed.

I groaned a little too loud as almost the whole class looked my way with a 'what the f*ck is wrong with that guy' look. Then the teacher came and everybody looked at him. "Okay class!! as you already know we are going to change seats, and four people are going to join our class.(?)

"Four people?!?!" The Dandy boy whisper-shouted with a scoff. "You can come in" the teacher said as four very attractive, cute and handsome boys came in the classroom.

"Please introduce yourself for the class"

To Be Continue

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