"Fck you should have told me earlier." Insub said as he started cleaning his desk.

Let's just say it was a whole chaos in the room. Min Kyu is panicking because he doesn't even remember his sunbae's girlfriend's name. Seong Jo ran here and there, throwing all the cup noodle packages. Insub cleaning their messy desks. Haein arranged all the files while Eugene was there trying to find the perfume which she wanted to give Jisoo.

"Guys!! I'm here!! How are y-" Jisoo excitedly said, opening the door, "Are you guys… okay?" She continued, being a little worried about his boyfriend and his teammates because they look like, like they are very very tired.

"Oh! Hi" Insub greeted her, with a little weak voice.

"Umm… Hi, I guess? What's wrong? You guys look so tired."

"Yeah we are very tired and it's all because of your boyfr-" Insub replied, actually tired to reply but Haein hit him with a pillow.

"Hi, babe! You're early!" Haein replied, pretending to be energetic, which Jisoo knew was fake.

"Actually I'm not. It's…… 1:35 p.m. now" she said, innocently pointing at the clock.

Haein looked at the clock, fck was our room so messed up that we didn't even notice the time?

"Jisoo!!! I missed you sooooo much!!!" Eugene said while hugging Jisoo tightly.

"Oh, unnie! I missed you too! How's everything going?" She replied, smiling brightly.

"I don't even have time for a good night sleep gurl." Eugene said while faking her tears. Jisoo really liked Eugene, she was like a big sister she never had.

"Unnie, you should take care of yourself, hmm?"

"Yeah I know but our chief is an asshole you know."

They were talking while Seong Jo interrupted them, "Hi there Ji, how have you been?"

"Great, you know! What about you?"

"Dying here because of work - well know what? Let's talk about work later. I heard you made us food?"

"Yes actually!! Come on let's eat it together, Insub oppa, come on! Let's eat! And…"

She looked at Minkyu, a little confused -"And…. You are?"

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Minkyu. I'm a newbie. I joined 2 months ago." He said, smiling.

"Minkyu….. Ahhh!!!! Kim Minkyu? I actually heard about you. I'm Kim Jisoo. Haein's girlfriend. Come on, join us. I bet you haven't eaten yet."

"Well, yes. Thanks for inviting." He sat down at the table next to Insub.

When Minkyu heard about his Haein's girlfriend being pretty, he thought that she would be just, you know, average. But... When he saw her for the first time, he was astonished. She looked like a goddess, an angel. Long brunette hair, black eyes which hold the whole world, heart shaped pink lips which look so soft to touch. He loves how her smile can make him forget everything. Damn, he would have definitely tried to court her if she wasn't his sunbae's girlfriend.

"Jichu-yah! You know, I really hate our cheif. He suddenly gave us a 3 year old case and told us to get more information about it. Isn't it crazy?" Insub whined.

"Is that so? But why a 3 year old case? And what is it about?" She asked, a little curious.
"The anonymous case. Well, we named it anonymous case because we really Never got any info about it. It's just weird. Like NOTHING. The only thing we know that it was a murder." Eugene said, while taking a piece of chicken and stuffing it in her mouth.

"Wahh, the chicken is really delicious Soo." The older woman said.

"Is that so? I wanna try it too." Seong Jo said, who was eating bibimbap.

"Btw, what about your anniversary? Did you get to celebrate it?" Insub said, drinking the canned beer.

"Anniversary?" Minkyu asked.

"Yeah, yesterday was their 3rd year anniversary. I really can't believe Jisoo was able to live with this bastard for 3 years." Insub said looking at Haein. "Well, do you guys have any plans?"

"Yeah, we are going to watch a movie" Haein replied.

"Umm, about that," Jisoo said "can you cancel the movie? I remembered that I have watched it. How about going to the amusement park which recently opened? I heard it's fun there." She replied, excitedly.

"If you say so." Haein said. He can't say NO to her when she looks so excited and cute.

— — — — — — — — — — — — —

[A/N: I know that I updated after many days. I'm sorry guys (╥﹏╥) This chapter is more about Haein and his work, And his circle. Soon you will get to know about Jisoo's work and friends. Thanks for reading, I love you guys ( ˘ ³˘)♥]

HELLO, ME | HAESOO | ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin