A Long-Awaited Battle

Start from the beginning

Kohga was on his feet in an instant. He managed to take down Sooga in one go. Granted Sooga was extremely distracted- But that didn't matter now that he had this very specific someone on top of him. The blademaster could feel his blood heat up and all the adrenaline in his body go straight to his head.

"Oh come on, Sooga! You didn't even put up a fight! Now we've gotta restart." the smaller man huffed as he climbed off of Sooga, who was still in shock. Thank Ganon Kohga couldn't see his face cause it felt like it was on fire...

"Get up, dumbass. I can see your battle boner."


The man sat up from the floor and quickly tried to cover his crotch with his hands. Kohga chuckled at the sight of this normally stoic man actually doing something well... interesting. It was honestly a little cute.

"You ready?" The master stood and stretched his arms out a bit. "Don't go too easy on me this time. I like it rough, y'know." Oh, Sooga could just FEEL the smug ass smile this guy had on his face.

"I see...I-I will not disappoint you."

Again, the small boulder appeared between the two. This time Sooga would be ready. He finally moved his hands away from the still very obvious thing that was there and clenched his fists. After a few seconds the boulder poofed into falling talismans.

Without a second thought, Sooga threw himself onto his master. He could feel Kohga's body heat... his chest heaving... and what was that thing up against his leg? He was already losing it and now... oh no. This was definitely not making his little problem any better. Instead of actually continuing his "attack", Sooga just stayed there. Actually, neither of them moved. Both ninjas, bodies pressed up against each other, breaths getting hotter by the second...

"Well at least you took my advice, huh?" Kohga broke the silence and carefully wrapped his arms around Sooga's neck, bringing his mask closer. What was he doing? Was he actually into this? Was he not joking when he said he liked it rough?

"M-Master Kohga... I apologize for all of this, I-" He was cut off by Kohga bumping his mask into his own, the closest thing to a kiss in the hideout.

"You're pretty cute, y'know."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean you're cute! What else would that mean?"

"You could just be messing with me... I know that you are quite the jokester-"

"So would it still be considered 'messing with you' if I kissed you for real?"

This had to be a joke. Was it just a prank? Sooga looked around for an audience of some kind, just someone, ANYONE COULD SEE THEM RIGHT NOW.

"Master- Someone could see us-"

"Who cares? I like you, and clearly you like me... so why not have a little fun, hm?"

"But what if we get caught? You can't be seen with me of all people!"

Sooga was terrified. Did he want this? Absolutely. Was this the time or place? NO. If he was seen having... relations with THE Master Kohga, he'd be torn to shreds! But what else was he supposed to do? He couldn't turn him down, he was his right hand, he would do anything for Kohga... including this.

"Come on, Sooga..." At this point nothing mattered. It was him and Kohga. Even if someone did come in, this was their time. No one could stop this from happening now.


Master Kohga chuckled again, lifting his mask only so Sooga could have access to his lips. Sooga did the same, shifting his mask to give his master a look at his chapped lips and messy stubble. Without any hesitation, Kohga brought his head down again. Their lips collided and despite the strange feeling at first, the two slowly got more into it.

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