chapter 5

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Han pov
I messed up, how stupid can I be? Felix is right I should have let him explain first. I made my decision based on anger,I regret it.he left the house I glanced at hyunjin who was smiling like an idiot.
"Why the hell are smiling?" I asked.
"Oh, I am just thinking how did my new crush happened to be my husband's ex" he laughed.
My eyes widened at that I don't care if he got with someone else but Felix I won't let that happen, you are stupid jisung"don't you even think about felix" I growled at him.

"And why is that are you jealous?, we are not really married you know it is just on paper" He said, did he think I was jealous of Felix this idiot.
" I don't give a damn about you stay away from my boyfriend" I said angrily.

He walked closer towering over me, since he is taller than me ,I felt kind of small. He leaned toward me ears before he whispered
"Well sweety, he is not yours any longer you had your chance and you lost it. I will tell you a little secret I am planning on making him mine soon" before he took a couple of steps back.
I walked to him getting him by his collar he just smiled, he was right though I lost my chance. I don't deserve Felix but neither does this player. I heard that all he does is sleep around" if Felix is not mine, he won't be yours either not under my watch." I said leaving toward my room shuting the door.
I glanced at my phone, chan hyung minho hyung even changbin called me non-stop. I can't deal with them now. I sight laying on the bed, before my phone start ringing I glanced to see my mother's number" what the hell do you want now?"i yelled.
"That's not a way to speak to your mother, did you move in?" She asked.
I hummed not wanting to talk.
"Good, I wanted you to know that we will be holding a conference with  the hwangs tomorrow to announce your marriage and the merge, you are coming too" she said
"Why should I? Take care of it" I said back.
"Are you an idiot?, both you and hyunjin should attend. Wear a suit and don't embarrass me" she replied hanging up.
"Great this is all I need now" I said to myself closing my eyes.


Felix pov
is this a drama or what?how did I end up kissing, jisung's husband. I can't believe the love of my life is married to someone else. I left the house in a hurry getting in my car my brother and the others didn't stop calling me. I closed my phone driving away. I am hurt but I need to understand that lost jisung.
I don't want to talk to anyone so I went to a small motel to clear my head. I laid on the bed thinking, why did changbin hyung kiss me? I am sure he doesn't have any feelings for me.

I sight I lost jisung but I need to find the truth, I will take to changbin tomorrow...

Next day (hyunjin pov)
I am getting ready for the conference with my husband I chuckled at that. We are at the backstage while stylist is fixing our hair, I glanced at jisung his eyes were filled with sadness. I decided to tease him.
"Oh, come husband cheer up."
"Stop calling me that, I am.." He stopped when he remembered the stylist.neither of us want the press to find about the contract I smirked leaning into the chair while he glared.
"We are done" the stylist said. I glanced to jisung. I have to give him that He was good looking not as good as me of course, but with the suit and styled hair he looked hot unlike his usual cute look.
"You are staring" he said.
"Well my husband looks hot can't I" I said confidently he looked at me with wide eyes I swear that I saw a blush on his cheeks I was to going to tease him more but his mom entered the room" come on , it is time" jisung glared at her before leaving. I guess they are not on good terms.i left too I took a seat next to jisung on the centre of the table, the press was present too.

"Welcome everyone, I guess all of you are eager to know why we called you?" Jisung's mom said standing up while my dad did the same a few whisperers filled the room
"We are happy to announce the merge of hwang and han corp the new name will became HH corporation and also the marriage of our sons" my father said shocking the room I guess no one thought I will get married, rude but they are right.
"Sir, what is your plans? Who will take the position of CEO" a journalist said?
"Well, for the moment my son hyunjin but we don't know if my son in law decided to join him in the future it is possible for them the take the position together" my dad explained.
Question after question was asked and our parents were the one who answered I felt bored, until someone said
" I am sure everyone here had heard  about your son being a player. This marriage is so sudden care to explain"
I glared at him but soon it turned into a smile
"Well, I guess since I met jisung I changed. What they call it, love at first sight" I lied
"Well we are done with questions thank you for coming" Mrs han said.
Jisung stood up leaving in a blink of an eye, I went after him but he was so fast where is he I asked myself ,but suddenly I saw him  entering a bathroom. I run after him opening the door.
"Why?" I saw him yell pushing the mirror in front of him making his hands bleed then he fall into the ground crying out loud, I rolled my eyes leaving the room. It is not my problem after all....
Chan pov

Those idiots didn't call us back, I am with changbin at minho's house .minho also invited seungmin, Felix didn't come back yesterday. we were seating in the living room discussing what I do next.suddenly we heard the door open.
"Felix, where have you been?" minho questioned, when Felix entered the room. His hair was messy, he had dark circles under his eyes
"What he is doing here?" He said with a raspy voice from crying.
"Felix, let him explain please" minho said to his brother who laughed like a maniac taking a seat.
"I wanted to talk to him too. I want to know why the hell did he destroy my life?" He yelled the last part.
"I...i " changbin tried to talk.
"You... You what, you wanted to talk I am all ears, tell me the reason why I lost the love of my life"felix said, I glanced to changbin tears were falling from his eyes." I am sorry..."
"Sorry is not enough, you..."
"Stop it now," Minho yelled at his brother making him surprised but soon his gaze turned into a glare"fucking talk than" he said to changbin.
This is a whole new side of Felix I knew him for some time now but I never saw him this angry before he was always a sweet boy.
I took a seat next to changbin taking his hand he glanced at me so I gave him a nod to speak.
"Felix don't cut him let him talk until the end"i said to him.

" I was two days before your engagement I was leaving the studio when...." Changbin finished the story Felix just looked at him a poker face before he stood up.
"I am sorry for that I am still angry at you, give me sometime. you should have told us. We could have found a solution together" he said calmly before his murmured"i will make her pay for this"leaving the room seungmin and minho after him.
I hugged changbin how was crying
"It is okay binie, give him time" I said holding him I hate seeing him like this.
He buried himself into my shirt crying even hard and I let him.few moments passed I felt him calm down before he pulled back looking at me with red eyes.
"Thank you, hyung"he said I looked at him before pulling him into a kiss. I felt him tense before he relaxed.
" oh, I am sorry" said minho I pulled back to look at him, he looked kind of hurt so I was right he has feelings for changbin.
"We are going to han's house" he announced.
"Now" I said glancing at my watch it is 10 pm
He nodded" Felix wants him to know the truth from changbin, and I thought we should go with them just in case seungmin is coming too"
"Let's go" I said to changbin who avoided my eyes.....

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