Kei Shirogane Wants To Visit Him

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[3rd Person POV]

"Can I come to your house? I would like to visit Haru-kun..."

"Oh, are you sure?"

"That's right, I want to visit my b-boyfriend." She stuttered on that last part.

"She must be a very good girlfriend to Haru...I wonder what would Miyuki react if I told him his sister went to my house. he'd probably have a stroke if I told him that." (Y/N) thought to himself.

"Is that okay, (Y/N)-san?"

"Ah, sure."

"Thank you...I'm just gonna buy food and drinks for him, will you wait for me?"


Later, (Y/N) and Kei are walking together to go to the Asakura residence.

Kei now has the things she wanted to buy for her pretend boyfriend.

(Y/N) then looks at his brother's girlfriend, he noticed something is bothering her.

"Did something happen between you two?" (Y/N) got straight to the point with her.

"W-What?" She was caught off guard by that question.

"Is Haru treating you right?"

"Oh...of course, every day since we became a couple."

"Ah, that's good to know but why do you look like something is bothering you?"

"It's just that... I'm hearing rumors a lot lately."

"Does it somehow affect you?"

"You could say that, it makes me worried about Haru-kun."

"What makes you say that?"

"I've been hearing rumors about that Haru is a womanizer like you..." Kei stated.

"Hold on, like me?!" (Y/N) points to himself with confusion. "I've heard of those rumors, but I wonder what makes them think that..."

"It's because of your relationship with both Chika-nee and Lavigne-san." Kei answered.

(Y/N) sighs. "We are not in a polygamous relationship, Kei-san, rumors are just rumors."

"Ah, I see..."

"To be honest, hearing Haru and womanizer in the same sentence made me confused." (Y/N) stated.

"Yeah, same, he's not that type of person."

"Of course, he's not. He would keep telling me that you're the prettiest girl in the entire world many times in a week."

"H-He did?!" Kei then became flustered.

"That's right, oh, by the way, this is our home." (Y/N) points at the house.

Kei looks at the house, she always sees that place every time if she is waiting for her pretend boyfriend, but today is different. She is now going inside of that house.

This isn't the first time a Shirogane has visited their crush's home when they are sick.

(Y/N) opened the door of the house. "Make yourself at home, He is just upstairs, I'll take you to him." He then goes to the stairs.

"Thank you, I very much appreciated it." Kei said as he follows the elder Asakura child.

Later, they are now in front of the door of Haru's room.

(Y/N) knocks first and then he opened the door. "Yo, Haru, someone wants to see you!"

(Y/N) then goes to the stairs again. "I'm just gonna play League of Legends, just don't do anything weird with him when I'm gone." (Y/N) stated.

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