The Shelter

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Gwen's POV

"It's an animal shelter?" Alexander asks in awe as I park the car.

"Yes, I volunteer here when I'm not teaching" I tell him. "Now most of these animals have not been tested with children. So no trying to pat any without permission" I tell him.

"Awe, but I want too" he says with a pout.

"I know, but I don't want you to get hurt. Promise me you won't try and touch any animal without permission?" I ask.

"Ok, I promise" he says and I smile ruffling his hair. "Hey not the hair" he whines shooing my hand away. I chuckle and we get out of the car. I lead him inside.

"Hey Gwen, who's the kid?" Jack asks. His the manager of the shelter.

"My nephew, he's visiting. I hope it's ok I brought him?" I ask.

"It's fine, we have some new members that could use some attention" he says handing me a folder. I smile sadly. It seven border collie pups.

"Why are they here?" I ask him.

"Accidental litter" he says with a shrug. "But do your other tasks first, they're sleeping right now" he tells me. "We're trying to find foster carers for them, if you're interested" he states.I nod and lead Xander away. I never turn down fostering animals in need. Especially the young ones.

"Ok Xander, firs we're going to clean some enclosures, then prepare food for some of the animals. Then have lunch ourselves and if you've been good. You'll get a special reward in the afternoon" I tell him.

"What sort of reward?" he asks me excitedly.

"You'll find out later" I tell him. We get to the set on enclosures.

"Where are the animals?" he asks me.

"Out on a walk, training or socializing with others. We need to clean the pens before they get back" I tell him.

"Just us?" he asks looking at the thirty pens. "But there's so many, how will we be able to clean them all?" he asks me.

"Others will be here shortly, and we only have to do ten of them" I tell him. I grab the broom and hand it to him. "Please start sweeping the first one while I prepare the mop bucket" I suggest.

"Ok mum, sorry I mean Auntie Gwen" he corrects himself. He goes into the first pen and starts to sweep it. I head over to the sink and prepare the mop bucket. I then grabbed the mop and another broom. Before joining Xander in the pen. We continue to clean, him asking me questions every now and again about my life. I in turn ask him some about his.

(Time skip)

Xander and I are enjoying lunch. Jack had got us all pizza to celebrate one of our long term residents being adopted. "So do you have any pets in New York?" I ask Xander.

"No, dad says they cause to much trouble" he says pouting. I laugh lightly.

"They can, but if trained properly and with right amount of exercise. A pet can be a wonderful companion. In my book every kid should grow up with a dog or cat. Which do you prefer?" I ask him curious.

"I've always wanted a dog" he tells me. I smile.

"I grew up with two dogs, they were my best friends growing up" I tell him. "When I moved out here after college, my only companion was my dog. But she passed away last year" I explain.

"That's so sad" he says with a frown.

"It was, but I've been thinking of adopting a new one. But for there's one in need of fostering" I tell him.

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